mapper looking to start/help a mod


Jul 9, 2009
Reaction score
whats up guys, im a mapper, and im looking to start a mod, but i need some people to start it with, i can cover mapping, and im looking for dedicated people to help, i do have mod ideas that ive started but im all alone so i haven't gotten that much done, no zombie mods, but they are multi-player and coop, if interested, let me no :)

some of my work...

those aren't all the maps Ive made, Ive made more, but those are almost the most recent, recent maps haven't bin posted
Why doesn't anyone ever post what their ideas are? How can you expect to get people interested in helping if all you present is "I've got ideas, join me!"

*struggles not to comment on the maps*
hey r u just looking for people to help u develop your stuff or r u willing to help someone else (me) with a mod plan. I have an idea for a multiplayer mod focusing mainly on melee combat that i would like to get started and though i havent made a thread yet having a mapper would be a good way to start.
Just remember when asking for help with a new mod check out the stickie at the top of the forum for the criteria you should post so people can understand your ideas more clearly.

If you are looking for help or offering help with a new mod/model/map/anything you should create a new thread with these details in the following formats. This will help those people reading to better understand what you want.

For Mods:

Name Of mod:

URL to mod:

Bio of mod:

Promo images of mod:

What you need help with: