maps for third party games ?


Mar 20, 2005
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Hi... i'm new to mapping but i've made a map that i want to use in Garrys Mod.. But there's one problem..
i cant figure it out to work in the mod...
i've made the map for HL2 (the map is for HL2, not HL2:DM or anything) When i make the map and save it as a *.wmf file it'll also be created as a *.bsp in the sourcesdk_content map..
then i move it to the garry's mod map folder and insert the "mapname.ain" to the graphs folder...
then i start up the mod and loads the map.. And when the map starts Gordons hands shows, like when he gets the HEV-suit and the whole map is black... annoying :flame:

Is there someone that can help me.. u can add me on MSN
[email protected]
or just send a reply with your answer here...
Thank u!
just make the map for HL2
save and compile the map
then copy and paste the map file (.bsp) into the garrys mod maps folder
worked for me

try saving the vmf file in the garrys mod maps folder
and then compile and run the map