Marc Laidlaw´s books. Your recomendations?


Oct 10, 2003
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I´ve been curious about Marc Laidlaw´s non-Half-Life work and I´ve been thinking I should order some of his work from Amazon or something like that.

He has a few books out so which do you recomend I start with? Is there any continuation between the books or can I just grab the first one I see?

As far as I know, they're all supposed to be seperate. "The 37th Mandala" is supposed to be really good, though, although I've yet to find a bookstore that stocks it.

-Angry Lawyer
While I can't recommend a Marc Laidlaw book, I can recommend you to keep away from Prey (Anry Lawyer's sig reminded me :p). Rubbish. Read it in a day, more depth in a paddling pool.
Murray_H said:
While I can't recommend a Marc Laidlaw book, I can recommend you to keep away from Prey (Anry Lawyer's sig reminded me :p). Rubbish. Read it in a day, more depth in a paddling pool.

I thought it was a really good read, but that's probably because I'm a sciency sorta guy and understand/love the implications of Nanotechnology and emergent system. Plus, Crichton looks like a lawyer, loves science, writes fiction, and likes programming - therefore he's pretty much a hero in my books.

Crichton FTW!

-Angry Lawyer
Hey angry, you seem to know your stuff about horror and lovecraftian...stuff. Did HP only write one book based on the Cthulhu mythos? I'm thinking about picking up one of his books.
Angry Lawyer said:
I thought it was a really good read, but that's probably because I'm a sciency sorta guy and understand/love the implications of Nanotechnology and emergent system. Plus, Crichton looks like a lawyer, loves science, writes fiction, and likes programming - therefore he's pretty much a hero in my books.

Crichton FTW!

-Angry Lawyer

I'm a science guy too, but it just didn't go deep enough for me. I was left very unsatisfied by Prey.

Speaking of how he looks, the picture of him on the back of the book makes him look quite young (I didn't know anything about Chrichton), I honestly can't believe he's 63!
Murray_H said:
Speaking of how he looks, the picture of him on the back of the book makes him look quite young (I didn't know anything about Chrichton), I honestly can't believe he's 63!

It's the Lawyeresque gene. We all look about 30, no matter what stage of our lives we are at. And no matter what profession we take (be it dual-class writer/scientist, programmer, or actual lawyer), we'll always look good in a suit. And we always get the hawt babes.

And yeah, Lovecraft wrote LOADS of books on the Cthulhu mythos. Usually you can buy his stories in anthologies, because they tend to be quite short.

-Angry Lawyer
Nice way to go off-topic. He was asking about books Marc Laidlaw wrote :p
He asked, I answered. We then moved onto more books. Not enough discussion of non-Harry Potter fiction on these boards. Damn mainstream readers.

-Angry Lawyer
The 37th Mandala is by far the best of his books that I've read.

The next best is Kalifornia... and The Orchid Eater was sort of boring so I never finished it.

If you like fantasy, Sara Douglass = teh pwnz. Look her up. Amazing series, The Wayfarer Redemption. Amazing.
I think I´ll check out 'The 37th Mandala', copies are pretty inexpensive at Amazon. Too bad about the (relatively) high shipping cost.

Thanks for the advice.
He wrote a 38 one too, hahah you all didn't have a clue huh? ... Lo*ers.. hahaha jk

Edit: Or no i didn't mean the last one, about kidding.
Salad22 said:
He wrote a 38 one too, hahah you all didn't have a clue huh?
That was possibly the worst joke I've ever read in my life. I'm not even playing around here, that was a horrifically bad joke.
Ennui said:
That was possibly the worst joke I've ever read in my life. I'm not even playing around here, that was a horrifically bad joke.

That wasn't even supposed to be a joke...just a ... reminder