Marine ordered to execute Haditha women and children


May 5, 2004
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makes my stomach churn:

A US Marine was ordered to execute a room full of terrified Iraqi women and children during an alleged massacre in Haditha that left 24 people dead, a military court heard Thursday

The testimony came in the opening of a preliminary hearing for Marine Sergeant Frank Wuterich, who faces 17 counts of murder over the Haditha killings, the most serious war crimes allegations faced by US troops in Iraq.

The 27-year-old listened intently as Lance Corporal Humberto Mendoza recounted how Marines had responded after a roadside bomb attack on their convoy in Haditha on November 19, 2005 left one comrade dead.

Mendoza said Marines under Wuterich's command began clearing nearby houses suspected of containing insurgents responsible for the bombing.

At one house Wuterich gave an order to shoot on sight as Marines waited for a response after knocking on the door, said Mendoza.

"He said 'Just wait till they open the door, then shoot,'" Mendoza said. Mendoza then said he himself shot and killed an adult male who appeared in a doorway.

During a subsequent search of the house, Mendoza said he received an order from another Marine, Lance Corporal Stephen Tatum, to shoot seven women and children he had found in a rear bedroom.

"When I opened the door there was just women and kids, two adults were lying down on the bed and there were three children on the bed ... two more were behind the bed," Mendoza said.

"I looked at them for a few seconds. Just enough to know they were not presenting a threat ... they looked scared."

After leaving the room Mendoza told Tatum what he had found.

"I told him there were women and kids inside there. He said 'Well, shoot them,'" Mendoza told prosecutor Lieutenant Colonel Sean Sullivan.

"And what did you say to him?" Sullivan asked.

"I said 'But they're just women and children.' He didn't say nothing."

Mendoza said he returned to a position at the front of the house and heard a door open behind him followed by a loud noise. Returning later that afternoon to retrieve bodies, Mendoza said he found a room full of corpses.

you're supposed to be the ****ing "good guys";_ylt=A0WTcUn7uNdGpgAAUBlg.3QA
What an asshole. Seriously, what's wrong with him?
Dude, there are no good guys, watch Full Metal Jacket again
The marines need to be disbanded. They are all ****ing lunatics.
There are good guys, but often they're forced into being the bad guys.
Well, I was more talking about the higher up officers, the ones messed up enough to actually enjoy it and make lifelong careers out of the marines.
Oh yeah, they're completely ****ed in the head.
So? They could've very well been working as militia.

In Iraq, nobody is innocent.
I would've not shot anyone, and if the Corporal came back and demanded I shoot them, I'd turn around and pull the gun on him, and cuff him, then just leave him there (or more likely, brought him to the nearest base or whatever). That execution shit isn't funny.
thats so ****ed up, jesus, what wrong with these people?
Is it just me or are all the crazies you hear about Marines...

Sick, as is most stuff coming out of there nowadays.
Well, marines are crazy. What do you expect? You don't use the marines as a mop-up force; you use them to invade.
So? They could've very well been working as militia.

In Iraq, nobody is innocent.

"The 24 Iraqi civilians slain Nov. 19 included children and the women who were trying to shield them, witnesses told a Washington Post special correspondent in Haditha this week and U.S. investigators said in Washington. The girls killed inside Khafif's house were ages 14, 10, 5, 3 and 1, according to death certificates

In the house with Ali and his 66-year-old wife, Khamisa Tuma Ali, were three middle-age men of their family, at least one daughter-in-law, and four children: 4-year-old Abdullah, 8-year-old Iman, 5-year-old Abdul Rahman and 2-month-old Asia.

Marines entered shooting, witnesses recalled. Most of the shots, in Ali's house and two others, were fired at such close range that they went through the bodies of the family members and plowed into walls or the floor, doctors at Haditha's hospital said.

Inside were 43-year-old Khafif, 41-year-old Aeda Yasin Ahmed, an 8-year-old son, five young daughters and a 1-year-old girl staying with the family, according to death certificates and neighbors.

The Marines shot them at close range and hurled grenades into the kitchen and bathroom, survivors and neighbors said later. Khafif's pleas could be heard across the neighborhood. Four of the girls died screaming."
"The 24 Iraqi civilians slain Nov. 19 included children and the women who were trying to shield them, witnesses told a Washington Post special correspondent in Haditha this week and U.S. investigators said in Washington. The girls killed inside Khafif's house were ages 14, 10, 5, 3 and 1, according to death certificates

In the house with Ali and his 66-year-old wife, Khamisa Tuma Ali, were three middle-age men of their family, at least one daughter-in-law, and four children: 4-year-old Abdullah, 8-year-old Iman, 5-year-old Abdul Rahman and 2-month-old Asia.

Marines entered shooting, witnesses recalled. Most of the shots, in Ali's house and two others, were fired at such close range that they went through the bodies of the family members and plowed into walls or the floor, doctors at Haditha's hospital said.

Inside were 43-year-old Khafif, 41-year-old Aeda Yasin Ahmed, an 8-year-old son, five young daughters and a 1-year-old girl staying with the family, according to death certificates and neighbors.

The Marines shot them at close range and hurled grenades into the kitchen and bathroom, survivors and neighbors said later. Khafif's pleas could be heard across the neighborhood. Four of the girls died screaming."

Well, maybe they did go a little overboard.
You see, this is why so many people are leaving the services in my country. Asshole commanders, asshole government, causeless war, etc.
I'm sorry I just have a hugely biased view on the whole thing, seeing as I'll be going overseas some time next year... as a Marine.

You see, to me the entirety of Iraq consists of animals that haven't left the caves yet.
They do equally barbaric things to us(brutal executions of our own soldiers, news people, etc.)
They suicide bomb our troops every day, sending 5 to 10 year old kids with bombs strapped to themselves to their deaths.

It's as sickening to read as these news articles, but we read things about suicide bombers every. ****ing. day.

Ain't war hell?

Oh and, I think I'll just leave this section of the forums now... I can't stand against the might of Conan. D:
I'm sorry I just have a hugely biased view on the whole thing, seeing as I'll be going overseas some time next year... as a Marine.

You see, to me the entirety of Iraq consists of animals that haven't left the caves yet.
They do equally barbaric things to us(brutal executions of our own soldiers, news people, etc.)
They suicide bomb our troops every day, sending 5 to 10 year old kids with bombs strapped to themselves to their deaths.

It's as sickening to read as these news articles, but we read things about suicide bombers every. ****ing. day.

Ain't war hell?

Oh and, I think I'll just leave this section of the forums now... I can't stand against the might of Conan. D:
You're a racist and I find i disgusting you are going to be putting other people down the barrel of a gun.

It's troops like you that I do not "support".
Most of the militants are Saudis.

They are nationals of a "friendly" country.
**** Lost, that 1 year old could have been a terrorist?

You racist son of a bitch.
I just read that 1st comment by xlucid, and that's just stupid.
You see, to me the entirety of Iraq consists of animals that haven't left the caves yet.

And here, ladies and gentlemen, we see a large chunk of the problem.

I was taught computer science by an Iraqi. My father works with some (geophysicists) on a daily basis. I find it distrubing that you're allowed to enter their country, armed, and probably accompanied by similarly aware knuckle draggers, with such a mentatlity. Seriously, can you not see the absolute irony in what you wrote?
And here, ladies and gentlemen, we see a large chunk of the problem.

I was taught computer science by an Iraqi. My father works with some (geophysicists) on a daily basis. I find it distrubing that you're allowed to enter their country, armed, and probably accompanied by similarly aware knuckle draggers, with such a mentatlity. Seriously, can you not see the absolute irony in what you wrote?

Quite frankly, I couldn't give two shits.
Don't worry, this was just a test to see how suitable you were for the US Marines. You passed with flying colours!

Go get em cowboy!
Well you're exactly what they want, grats on finding the right home in the marines...

But really: Do you see every iraqi/afghani as a terrorist/animal?

I was gonna write more, but really, there isn't any point because... **** I can't even type this. You're many things, but a good American? No.

Combined with hearing about the 1994 Cheney thing the other day... (If you don't know what I'm talking about, he said taking out Saddam would cause mass chaos, become a quagmire, etc)
Oh, good luck with your mindful genocide.
You see, to me the entirety of Iraq consists of animals that haven't left the caves yet.

Way to generalise everyone in Iraq. I don't want rasict dicks like you fighting for anyone, espiecally the west. Go back to the Ku Klux Klan headquarters. :hmph:
People like Lucid legitimize the insurgency.
Well, I'm sorry if I offended anybody.

I don't see why I shouldn't post my thoughts on the matter and hide the fact that I am basically racist against the Iraqis, I myself have a friend whom is of middle-eastern origin that's going to be going to basic with me, and we crack jokes about his race all the time... he even makes fun of himself.

And as for anybody throwing insults at me about me not being a good American or telling me to go to the KKK... Go **** yourselves.

I love my country, and I'm willing to ****ing die for it.

So don't even tell me what I am or am not.
You're not a good American, go back to the KKK.

The fact that you actually believe you're doing good by going over there is proof the government has succeeded. Go die for your country.