Marine ordered to execute Haditha women and children

So now the actions of a few psychos are being used to downplay the Marines as a whole? What part of the intelligent discussion does that fall under exactly? Seems like a prime example of rational at its worst.
I don't believe for a second that the Marines as a whole are an evil, morally diluted group. The bad apples that slaughter innocents are just that: bad apples.

That said, it is a good point not often brought up that Marines are not trained for long occupations and nation rebuilding. They are trained to attack the enemy, wipe them out, then call it a day. When you start having them play such a big part as "peacekeepers" amongst foreign civilians, you put them in unfamiliar environments that they have no expertise in. The common result is that people die needlessly. That is enough for me to dispel the notion that most US soldiers are violent simpletons with itchy trigger fingers.
The problem is that these so called "bad apples" these "exceptions" are usually found in authoritative positions where their day to day decisions significantly impact the stability in Iraqi society. however it could just be sensationalism ... who can tell really ?

also @ lucid : what exactly is your motivation for joining the war ? you obviously care a precious little about the state of the country . If all you want is mindless violence then i suggest that you either need professional help or a frontal lobotomy. It takes a great deal of stupidity and general ignorance to make the generalizations that you have made you're no better than the "cave dwellers" you so passionately hate.
The problem is that these so called "bad apples" these "exceptions" are usually found in authoritative positions where their day to day decisions significantly impact the stability in Iraqi society. however it could just be sensationalism ... who can tell really ?

I'm certainly not denying that. I just get the feeling sometimes that people here are so ready to condemn the entire US military.
The problem is that these so called "bad apples" these "exceptions" are usually found in authoritative positions where their day to day decisions significantly impact the stability in Iraqi society. however it could just be sensationalism ... who can tell really ?

also @ lucid : what exactly is your motivation for joining the war ? you obviously care a precious little about the state of the country . If all you want is mindless violence then i suggest that you either need professional help or a frontal lobotomy. It takes a great deal of stupidity and general ignorance to make the generalizations that you have made you're no better than the "cave dwellers" you so passionately hate.

I mainly just want to avenge my two cousins that died over there, and 3 of my friends that died over there.
If I myself die in the process, then so ****ing be it.
? well perhaps you shouldnt say that at the recruitment office ..or maybe I'm wrong and that will work to your benefit

Interviewer: <holds up flash card of iraqi insurgent>

Lucid: kill kill KILL!!

Interviewer: <holds up flash card of iraqi newborn baby>

Lucid: kill kill KILL KILLLLL!!!

Interviewer: <sticks out hand> welcome to the marines, son

who exactly are you going to kill to avenge those deaths? iraqi insurgents? foreign insurgents? foreign terrorists? the lawless everyday criminal? random iraqis? women and children? how many will you kill before you feel they've been avenged? do you really want to become a sidenote in the annuls of history?
Funny thing with that picture: "Screw them." was all Markos Moulitsas of the Daily Kos had to say about that. Then he tried to cover it up, etc... Relevant anecdotes for the win!
But you have rights, and now you have your duties. And if one of them is to gear up then why not? If George Bush was younger, then he'd be fighting too. His son/ or duaghter would be required to fight as well.

What kind of kool-aide do they feed you in that country?

Rich people did a great job serving their country during the draft from Vietnam. Just like coked out Bush did. :rolleyes:
Nah you don't understand. I hate my country. Pure hate. Theres no way I'm dieing for it.


you mean like how his daughters are serving in iraq right now? nah they're too busy boozing it up just like dear old dad did during the vietnam war

Eh, I hhave no comment on that.

What kind of kool-aide do they feed you in that country?

Rich people did a great job serving their country during the draft from Vietnam. Just like coked out Bush did. :rolleyes:

We don't have kool-aid. :P

Anyway, yes, I agree. It is a problem with conscription that some seem to be able to avoid. Many of the singers and popular movie stars here have avoided conscription duties, and the ones that have been prosecuted are serving in the frontlines now. However, many are still unpunished.

Ah well.

I mainly just want to avenge my two cousins that died over there, and 3 of my friends that died over there.
If I myself die in the process, then so ****ing be it.

I'd like to say that I really do respect you for what you do (or, well, will do) and would like to express my fullest symphaties and to wish you good luck, always.
you're supposed to be the ****ing "good guys"

Wow, you know its bad when CptStern has to rehash old details of an old atrocity just to further criminalize Coalition Forces and upset political emotions here.

Wow, you know its bad when CptStern has to rehash old details of an old atrocity just to further criminalize Coalition Forces and upset political emotions here.


yes once again you post without reading any of the supplied material

date of link from first post of this thread:
Thu Aug 30, 11:23 PM ET

date thread created: 31-08-2007, 04:20 PM

less than 24 hours later is that old? it's a report on new details that have surfaced from the trial ..hence the thread title: Marine ordered to execute Haditha women and children ..notice the resemblence to the yahoo story:

"Marine tells of order to execute Haditha women and children"

recent news.... you can take your foot out of your mouth now
I mainly just want to avenge my two cousins that died over there, and 3 of my friends that died over there.
If I myself die in the process, then so ****ing be it.

You say that as if there's some romantic, courageous point in going over to Iraq and dying. As though the cause is just and that your death, or avenging the death of others, might mean something. I'm sorry to tell you that it won't.
yes once again you post without reading any of the supplied material

New court case hearings or SHOCKING! new details do not make the Haditha massacre recent. Although, I will credit you with discovering something, *gasp* thats SHOCKING! Lies. These men are full of them and won't come immediately clean.

That much, they need to do.