Mario Galaxy two players help.

Adrien C

May 12, 2004
Reaction score
I baught Mario Galaxy for my nephews for Christmas, but I can't play in coop mod, it says that I need to press A with the second controler but it just won't work.

Any help please ?
Make sure the controller is on? Make sure it has batteries? That it's working?
Oh comon mate, I of coursed checked that before I came here for help...

Thanks anyways.
Click the home button on it after it's on to make sure.
Then slap your Wii.
You realize it's just a second star pointer that can do a few things, right? It should be a yellow pointer on the screen. The second blue light on the co-op remote should be on. If it's not, even after pressing A, try manually connecting it in the home menu screen.

Make sure the second Wiimote is synced to your console, too.

I really don't think there's more to it than that.
I was hoping for 2 characters but it's just a cursor in which you can fire crystals and jump the player1 with. :(
Think how hilarious it'll be if the second person just keeps making the first person spin. XD