Mario Kart DS review

Warbie said:
After all these years gaming still gets me as excited as a little kid - especially at christmas :)

Me too Warbie! I get all excited this time of year! :bounce:

It's too bad I wont get anything better than a 6 pack of tube socks. :|

oh and, if i was a kid i with a DS i would want this game bad.
You don't have to be a kid to enjoy a DS ;)

Mario Kart is timeless - and now we can play it online.
i saw a viseo last night on this, it looks awesome to say the least. i want it NOW! /tantrum
SearanoX said:
That sounds just awesome. My brother will hopefully be getting a DS along with this game for Christmas. Looks to be the first true killer app for the handheld.

You been under a rock for a while? DS has Kirby Canvas Curse, Advance Wars Dual Strike, and Castelvania Dawn of Sorrow.
Don't foget Oendan and ElectroPlankton.
And Band Bros. - the best multiplayer game of recent times :)
I liked the original SNES version and the one for the GBA (practically was the SNES version).

It brings back so many memories, especially the multiplayer arenas with the floaty balloon things.

SearanoX said:
I really don't know if I'd consider those killer apps. I've played Canvas Curse and it was fun, but hardly to die for. I've never been a huge fan of Advance Wars either. Castlevania sounds great, though.

I suppose I'm talking more about the killer app in the Nintendo sense - first-party titles that can do absolutely no wrong and really justify owning the console. For an ass like me, there's a distinction.
Same here. Not really a fan of any of those. Not even Castlevania. There are a million turn-based games that are better than Advance Wars, and I wouldn't be seen dead buying a Kirby game.