Mario Tennis next week?? :)

now theres a prime example of a good console game. an enhanced version of the good ol n64 mp games. n64 was definately by far the best console ever to just get a group of friends and chill on the couch with some beers and game away. no console has yet to match the excitement of mp fun and endless hours of fun that the n64 did. i wish the n64 was still popular and widely used instead of the gamecube. :(
I wouldnt play that game if someone gave it to me for free. :/
guinny said:
now theres a prime example of a good console game. an enhanced version of the good ol n64 mp games. n64 was definately by far the best console ever to just get a group of friends and chill on the couch with some beers and game away. no console has yet to match the excitement of mp fun and endless hours of fun that the n64 did. i wish the n64 was still popular and widely used instead of the gamecube. :(

I'm finding the GC is doing a fine job as a replacement :)

Mario Golf is as good as ever, as is Mario Party. Monkey Ball 1 & 2 are some of the best party games ever \o/

No GoldenEye/Perfect Dark :/ - but we do get Metroid :)