Mario Tennis :)

Loved the N64 version, too bad there are so few good games on teh gamecube to make it worth buying, although now that it's sooooo cheap...hmmm.
lazicsavo said:
Loved the N64 version, too bad there are so few good games on teh gamecube to make it worth buying, although now that it's sooooo cheap...hmmm.

There's plenty of good games (it's worth buying a GC for Super Monkey Ball alone :))

You know you can't resist - Mario Tennis, Resident Evil 4, new Zelda and Metroid \o/ How many good games do you want?? ;)

Put it this way - my GC has provided me far more hours of entertainment than my new gfx card/ram/mobo have (and they cost about 5 times the amount :/)
Hmmm, you make wicked sense, it's christmas, so I guess I can squeeze out a gamecube from my parents (20 year old with a gamecube, not a chick magnet, I must say), we'll see how HL2 turns out and how much time it will eat away from my life.
lazicsavo said:
20 year old with a gamecube, not a chick magnet
... from my experience, that's not true (well, depending on the guy). Chicks dig the "cute" factor of Nintendo's games. I find that it is easier to get girls to play Super Monkey Ball, Wind Waker, Pikmin, and other games of that style than GTA, Burnout, Fable, etc.
lazicsavo said:
Hmmm, you make wicked sense, it's christmas, so I guess I can squeeze out a gamecube from my parents (20 year old with a gamecube, not a chick magnet, I must say), we'll see how HL2 turns out and how much time it will eat away from my life.

hehe - 26 here ..... and girls like the GC (they look cute apparently ;)) I often can't get on the machine cause my girlfriend playing Mario Golf or Wario Ware (both top games btw :) )
nah, Halo Deathmatch with a girl, gets her wild especially if you keep sniping her :)
I don't like the look of all the weird unique special shots players can do. If its like the last one but with better graphics I will be happy.
Yeah - i liked the N64 version, too. :) ..... loking forward to the GC version - thx m8

20 year old with a gamecube, not a chick magnet

Well i don't use it to impress chicks ;) I play with it ......
I almost bought a GC just for MGS:TTS, but then I heard how easy and short it was, so I decided not to, I perfer blood and guts from the Xbox anyways.
xbox is such a rip off - it's just an older PC ....... and the controller is totally bad
Alsi said:
xbox is such a rip off - it's just an older PC ....... and the controller is totally bad

I disagree. The controller-s is actually very good (while not quite as perfect as the GC pad it's vastly superior to the ps2's)

Also, the Xbox is nothing like an old pc - and is home to some of the greatest video games around (especially recently) Where else can you play Burnout 3 online with your mates?

Which brings me onto XBox live, which is fantastic and allows proper 'console gaming' online :) (Live caters for many genres that online pc gaming completely ignore) just imagine PES4 online!

The Xbox is excellent value for money and on par with the GC imo (Halo 2, Outrun 2 and PES4 could easily push it into the lead).
Any of you who are worried about how you will "look" owning a gamecube don't even need to bother if you think that way :D

Gamecube doesn't have very good third party support which sucks but I own it pretty much solely for Nintendo made games and whatever great exclusives they can get

Good games already out: Zelda:Wind Waker, Metroid Prime, F-Zero GX, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Tales Of Symphonia

Good games to come: New Zelda(just watch the trailer.), Resident Evil 4(totally different from other RE games, looks incredible), Metroid Prime 2, Paper Mario 2, Baiten Kaitos

My friends can never understand why I didn't get an xbox or ps2 and it's simply the exclusives Nintendo makes and gets, I really get tired of the typical racing, fighting, sports games
I bought a GC for Zelda alone... I have that almost a year and still haven't bought another GC game :/. I'll get the next Zelda though :D.
I'm looking forward to this, surprising as it may seem this is probably one of my most awaited games for the gamecube. I only hope it fares better in the transition between N64 and GC than the Mario Kart series fared IMO. I can't recall how many hours I've spent with family and friends playing huge rallies with them and jumping for joy when finally winning the point or screaming at my partner for making a mistake(because of course it was never my fault that we lost a point :E ). The multiplayer was awesome.

My only concern is that some of these new special shots we're seeing, I don't quite know how they're gonna work but I just hope they don't ruin the game e.g. Mario's weird hammer shot thing, I don't know if it was just a replay we were seeing (I suspect this might be the case) but it seemed as if the whole game stopped while his racket changed and he produced that shot. I'd hate for that to be happening in the multiplayer, every few seconds the game stops whilst someone produces a special shot where there racket changes into something bizarre. Maybe I'm just worrying too much over a possibly small detail. I also hope they keep the ring shot mode as well, as I remember having a great deal of fun with that game type, things would get particularly tense when the number of rings built up to a high sum. Ahh just thinking about it makes me smile :)
OK, maybe the xbox-controller is better than the ps2 one. But the GC -Controller is just perfect!
All games you play on Xbox are available in PC, too......

So why waste money on old hardware and online-gaming, which is free for PC users ;)

But don't let this be a GC vs. Xbox thread ..... peace :)
Alsi said:
OK, maybe the xbox-controller is better than the ps2 one. But the GC -Controller is just perfect!
All games you play on Xbox are available in PC, too......

So why waste money on old hardware and online-gaming, which is free for PC users ;)

But don't let this be a GC vs. Xbox thread ..... peace :)

hehe - i don't want a vs thread either. Just pointing out that (imo at least) the Xbox feels as much like a 'old pc' as my GC or PS2 do. There's also plenty of titles that aren't available for the pc (Burnout 3, Halo, Fable, Outrun 2, Panzer Dragoon, Topspin Tennis, to name just a few. Easily enough to warrant a purchase)

Some titles that appear on the XBox and PC are more suited to analogue control and a big tv and are, as a result, better on the XBox (Splinter Cell springs to mind here, as does Thief 3, KOTOR etc)

As I said earlier - Live caters for online gaming you just can't get on the pc (which, let's face it, has little variety and only supports a limited no. of genres). If you want arcady, fun online gaming, with a wide variety of differing titles, then XBox live is the only choice at the mo. (of course, for first person shooters/RTS/MMORPG and leagues/tournies/clan matches, the pc is still the daddy :))