Marjiuana can cure cancer!

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I don't need heroin to be happy! I can quit any time I want!
Not to mention, marijuana based cancer rates are low, because THC is slightly anti-carcinogenic.

There isnt actually any evidence that marijuana smoke can cause cancer, just naked assumptions
There is no direct evidence linking cigarette smoking to lung cancer.
But the great thing is you don't have the right to smoke :)


Profundus Maximus - Profundus Maximus eagerly holds forth on all subjects, but his thin knowledge will not support a sustained assault and therefore his attacks quickly peter out. Profundus Maximus often uses big words, obscure terms and...ahem...even Latin to bluff his way through battle..
I don't smoke Marijauna. Its not that I have anything against it, I just don't wanna be arrested. Plus, most of the dealers round here just give you brick dust, etc. rather than actual drugs.

Profundus Maximus - Profundus Maximus eagerly holds forth on all subjects, but his thin knowledge will not support a sustained assault and therefore his attacks quickly peter out. Profundus Maximus often uses big words, obscure terms and...ahem...even Latin to bluff his way through battle..

I shall call you that for now on if you'd like.
ROFL!! As if people needed another reason :smoking:
I probably should have closed this first thing tbh
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