Marlin Lever Action 3030

operative x

Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
Made in Maya 8.5 for me mod.
2K triangles
The last picture is the latest one, it shows a tweaked version of the normal map so that it's not too deep any more.


Here ill help you guys out.

First of all, after viewing the pictures on a friends monitor, the pictures are very dark. The wood texture on the stock seams to be too clean it needs to look like something that isn't necessarily battle worn, but slightly used. The normals on the receiver are messed up. You can tell by looking at the 2nd picture by the "zig-zag" like light glow on the receiver.

Now you all try.
It's actually a pretty nice model, but yes, the pics are quite dark.
The last pic looks better than the other two, I think, and I wouldnt bother much about the battle torn thing.

To be honest, I'm not an expert modeller, but I like what I see here.

Maybe you could put a different coloured background behind it, as this would make it easier to see and we dont encounter mmany completely back textures ingame.