Martian "holes"

Sorry for the double post but hello? If these holes do go underground and shelter from radiation and the like and have water deposits they may sopport life!?
o_O pretty random, Interesting, I wonder how they were formed and why there appear to be only a few over a large area.
Well, mars used to have a salt sea, so maybe there remants of that. Or perhaps a digging creature! Its war of the worlds.

Interesting. That could lead to one of them underground water pockets.
YEY!! Sentient martians we can nuke to pieces!!111

"We come in peace" *chuckles*

Just sneeze on 'em. Save the nukes for ourselves. Once again I must referanance war of the worlds. You can't bring life on mars up without it.
Someone should fly a Millennium Falcon into it and see what happens.
but we must penetrate that hole and thoroughly explore it until we are satisfied.