Marvel signed on to do Halo comic

Not a Halo fan, but its a nice little treat for hardcore Halo fans.
I'm a DC fan, but still good news for Halo fans I guess
Not many of the young kids who play Halo will like a comic book I think.
I may be wrong.

But doesn't anyone else see this as just a cheap way to make more money off these kids?

Edit: Why do all those images have different art styles? And why does one page have an English word, and in the other, Japanese? It looks like they went around and grabbed random pages from online comics or something.
Its a 128 page anthology of tales that take place in the Halo universe using multiple artists and writers.
meh dc and marvel are corporate hacks that willingly throw away years of back history to reinvent their superheros ..probably why they cant hold on to creative talent ...marvel + halo = cashcow
vertigo is owned by dc ..image was more of a novelty than anything else ...granted I havent followed the comics industry in awhile
I know, I'm saying Vertigo is better than the comic line that DC puts out. And Image has some real good gems, like The Walking Dead. America's Best Comics is a pretty good company too, though they've been bought out by DC.
It doesn't follow the Halo 2 storyline, it has stories involved in the whole Halo universe.
Que-Ever said:
Don't be jealous, tbh.

The story was generic "aliens omg" and had no comprehensible purpose other than pull trigger, move to next area, pull trigger.
wow they must signed some pretty fat cheques to get these guys aboard

"The hardcover arrives in July and features some of the best of the best the industry has to offer, from Jean “Moebius” Giraud, Simon Bisley..."
Tim Bisley and his friend Mike Watt of the territorial army
Sounds like people are really trying to make money off of Halo, with a movie coming out aswell.
DeusExMachina said:
You'd all be wanking off if Valve decided to make a comic book line :|.

Yeah, but they actually have a story exploit.
We'd know Valve wouldn't let it be bad, so yes, it would be very good. They wouldn't just care about the money. Half-Life 2 isn't as much a "cash cow" as Halo. Not even close.
DeusExMachina said:
You'd all be wanking off if Valve decided to make a comic book line :|.

you know what the difference would be?
Valve would probably control the storyline and not let some hacks who know nothing about the Half Life universe put their twist on it and butcher what we know as the Half Life series.
...Do you even know half of the writers/artists who are doing the comic? They're some of the best in the field.
DeusExMachina said:
...Do you even know half of the writers/artists who are doing the comic? They're some of the best in the field.
That doesn't mean they aren't going to change the story to their liking. In fact it almost guarantees that they will.

Valve would make sure they didn't.
vegeta897 said:
We'd know Valve wouldn't let it be bad, so yes, it would be very good. They wouldn't just care about the money. Half-Life 2 isn't as much a "cash cow" as Halo. Not even close.

Ding dang doh! Exactly, Halo is pretty much one big cash cow with countless spin offs in the form of...everything.
No, no your not. I own all the books, so I might as well pick this up. As much as a generic and average shooter Halo is, there ain't nuttin wrong with its universe.
Maybe the only one from here, but it'll probably seel something like 8 billion copies worldwide...