Master chief vs. Gordon


May 13, 2004
Reaction score
Who'd win in a brawl against the two?

*awaits flames for making yet another vs. thread...*
i think the real question here is spice girls vs pokemon
Onions said:
i think the real question here is spice girls vs pokemon

Well I was bored...spice I thought let's make a dumb thread...spice girls...and then you see...DAMNIT I can't stop saying spice girls!!
You make this thread then don't even add a poll? Oh well, I vote Gordon.
Heh, G-man vs Ridley Scott's Alien Queen...
Erm.. People creating flamewar-inspiring threads should be punished with death in the electric chair.

I dunno.. MC probably but Gordon's mysterious weapon mastery might make him prevail.

Heh, G-man vs Ridley Scott's Alien Queen...

Hans Rudi Giger created the alien and the queen.. He's a genius and a wonderful artist.

Hmm, my turn..

Luke Skywalker vs Cate Archer.. or Predator vs Sam Fisher. or The Thing vs the Rainbow Six team.
Pressure said:
Oh oh! Here's a good one... My dad vs your dad!

I did that in a thread once, mods didn't like it... :(
Besides, my dad would so totally pwn your dad. No contest.
it was a much more serious poll held by gamespy few months ago on this same topic: Master chief vs. Gordon. And Gordon won by thousands of votes due to its huge fans base.
Gordon is a much cooler and more interesting character, but I think in a fight that Master Chief would win.
Hans Rudi Giger created the alien and the queen.. He's a genius and a wonderful artist.

he's a little obsessed with the female form though, but i like his work.