Matrix Online


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
What do you guys think of what has been shown so far of Matrix online? I was a little disappointed that combat wont be in real time (I think it's similiar to KOTOR). The Matrix world looks huge and they seem to have gotten the settings right...character customisation looks like it'll be a big can literally upload hundreds of skills at a time; but will it be enough to draw a big enough audience to keep theis MORG afloat? I've never subscribed to a MORG, but this might be the one to change my mind...dont know think I'll wait for the reviews? what are your thoughts on Matrix Online?

btw here is a link to some of the locals of Matrix online:

part 2 of 3
I'm not sure what to think. I haven't been too interested in it but then again, it could be really cool.
It really hasn't interested me too much, Reloaded and Revolution kinda ruined the Matrix franchise for me.
I love it.

it'll be the reason to start paying a MMORPG monthly fee for the 1st time. I just love the Matrix Universe, and what the Wachowski are making of it (I know, a money-making machine, but something else too...).
Hasnt impressed me one bit. I dont intend on getting this. The combat just looks rubbish and the entire game looks...bland.
i love the matrix universe, but TBFH enter the matrix was a pile of cod'swallop, and im expecting the same thing from this.

good idea (i say good because its not that great... id choose SWG or WOW over the setting anyday) but in order to make it a sucess they need to make it AMAZING, and spend LOTS of time on it. neither of these will be accomplished... and if they are i will be suprised...

if it turns out to be crap, its not the developers fault... its the damn greedy WB corporation that want to reel in the money, and therefore rush the game and give the developers just enough funds they need :flame:

like that beer advert... you have to let it... errr... with the aliens... and the hobo... I CANT REMEMBER :flame:

hehhehehehhee im listening to FF7 techno remix :P
I thought SWG was bad because you spammed your two best specials in combat but MO is going to be worse... you only get three options in combat, that's three buttons: attack - defense - something else I forgot. That's it, then you watch the fight take place. It's going to be a online version of Tekken except you don't get to control your character.