
What on earth would Gamestop know about the rating? :p

That'll be an educated guess. I doubt anything has changed since Gabe said it was teen.
They just assumed because HL1 was rated mature. Doesn't really mean anything.
It's pretty funny that HL2 will be Teen when you watch the Ravenholm bink :p
Mediocrity said:
As with most game sites, this may well be speculation, as I don't recall the game receiving a rating yet. Sure, it has zombies being dismembered, but it doesn't have Satanic Themes or nudity. (Because as we all know, violent death is A-OK, but God help you if there're nipples involved!) :thumbs:

hahahahahahah, good one
Actually, the rating is not assigned yet (not publicly anyway). Gabe said that they were aiming for a teen rating with HL2, but that they were not going to cut content if it received an M rating. So, it's really up to the ESRB. Valve could really care less; they know teens will get their hands on the game anyway.
kaellinn18 said:
Actually, the rating is not assigned yet (not publicly anyway). Gabe said that they were aiming for a teen rating with HL2, but that they were not going to cut content if it received an M rating. So, it's really up to the ESRB. Valve could really care less; they know teens will get their hands on the game anyway.
They aren't AIMING for a teen rating... he just said that that's what it was looking like at the time...
HL2 will be mature. Gabe never said that they are 100% getting a teen rating, he said that's what it looks like ESRB might give them. I'm sure when ESRB goes through the more explicit parts like the Ravenholm scene - they'll rate it M.
Plus i think it would be better suited as a mature rating anway. This type of game should be bloodyand gory. It really makes you fell like this is a horrible time for earth.
its going to be m, stop cring about t, just because ur parents wont let u get it :p
If a game like Halo/Halo 2 can get a Mature rating just because of lots of neon alien blood, then Half Life 2 will definitly get the same rating for dismembering human bodies, red blood, and realistic-sounding burning human screams (Or to put it simply- Ravenholm)! :)
Letters said:
They aren't AIMING for a teen rating... he just said that that's what it was looking like at the time...

Sorry, I believe the actual quote is "hoping for a teen rating," but you got the point. It's not like it really matters anyway. Everyone and their two year old sister will still buy it.
Just a question, are the ESRB ratings (beside adult) actually enforced? Will little Billy, of 14 years, be able to buy HL2 at the store alone, or will he have to bring a parent along?
-Viper- said:
Just a question, are the ESRB ratings (beside adult) actually enforced? Will little Billy, of 14 years, be able to buy HL2 at the store alone, or will he have to bring a parent along?
Depends on the store, of course.
kaellinn18 said:
Sorry, I believe the actual quote is "hoping for a teen rating," but you got the point. It's not like it really matters anyway. Everyone and their two year old sister will still buy it.

No, it's not "aiming" or "hoping".

Valve doesn't care about the rating. They're just saying that ESRB might give them the teen rating, it's not something they want - it's something they think they might get.
-Viper- said:
Just a question, are the ESRB ratings (beside adult) actually enforced? Will little Billy, of 14 years, be able to buy HL2 at the store alone, or will he have to bring a parent along?
The ESRB ratings are enforced, but it depends on the store.

EDIT: Nevermind. I was looking at the bottom of Page 1 thinking that was the latest post. Then, I soon discovered that there was a Next Page, and Varsity had already answered the question.
HALF-LIFE 1 was 15+(i'm 15)
i played half life when i was six and thairs nothing wrong with me
(oh god scared to go outside plese help ;( )LOL
if it is mature thair would be lots of profits to be lost as most of the fans are young people who found out about half life of older ppl, not me though. i got my younger brother playing it.
i'm also a kick ass player i'm usally first, so those old ppl who think young ppl are all n00bs are wrong
i still don't know why they were going to classify it as teen...
HALF-LIFE 1 was 15+(i'm 15)
i played half life when i was six and thairs nothing wrong with me

How could you have played it when you were 6? The game hasn't been out for 9 years...

EDIT: I found the exact words from gabe in the valve info thread

In our last conversation with the ESRB, we were looking at a teen rating.

LOOKING for. Not received. Valve would like a Teen rating but they're not gonna change anything to get it.
i was over accessing it, just for the effect
i was still very young to play though and i was still kick ass.
the first games i rember playing was doom and doom 2
the game features a severed torso on a rope.. I think it should be mature :cheers:
It HAS to receive an M rating. Not because of HL2 (although, as said, that alone should make it M), but because of CS:S. Unless the ESRB has gone down the crapper like the movie ratings, where more and more filth gets put into P3 movies.

We'll see, but I don't see how it could get a teen rating..
im 99.9% sure that hl2 will be mature. At least i hope it will be since i dont want any watered down crap just to get a teen rating.
otomo said:
im 99.9% sure that hl2 will be mature. At least i hope it will be since i dont want any watered down crap just to get a teen rating.

Gabe already said no content has been cut or will be cut. They're not aiming for ANY rating, it's just that the ESRB was looking at giving it a Teen rating.
Teen rating doesn't mean much when it comes to games, but with the current people whining it seems like you all want child raping, blood and intestines flowing like rivers, crucifixion of Gordon in the game etc..
CrazyHarij said:
Teen rating doesn't mean much when it comes to games, but with the current people whining it seems like you all want child raping, blood and intestines flowing like rivers, crucifixion of Gordon in the game etc..

Don't forget nun dismemberment and sex with inanimate objects :/

EDIT: Holy carp on a stick, 150+ posts! I didn't even see it! :(
Shuzer said:
It HAS to receive an M rating. Not because of HL2 (although, as said, that alone should make it M), but because of CS:S. Unless the ESRB has gone down the crapper like the movie ratings, where more and more filth gets put into P3 movies.

We'll see, but I don't see how it could get a teen rating..

Yeah, for CS:S, it has to get M, I mean, even Far Cry has M and that only has ragdolling humans. That means a combination of CS:S human ragdolling and cutting up zombies and hear them scream as you set them on fire, will get M.

But who cares, as long as they don't cut content to get a lower rating, I wouldn't give a rats ass even if it was an E rated game.
Here it's seventeen plus for a mature game.
And now the law enforces people to have ID when buying those games
So I'm going to buy It when its still "Rating Pending"
Teen games are stupid, the only one I like is Call of Duty, It's just like PG-13 movies, you see a really badass preview of a ****ing awsome action movie, and your like "OMFG THIS MOVIE IS GONNA HAVE TITTIES AND PEOPLE'S BODY PARTS FALLING OFF OMGOMG!" Then you find out its PG-13...teh gayness, and what's so bad about a zombie screaming while it's on fire??
i have never heard of a single person who cares about the rating of video games. i bought "kingpin" when it came out and i think i was like 14 or something, i asked for the bloodiest goriest most violent game they had, they put it in a bag and said have a nice day (EBgames)
i hope its mature ... i wanna see some blood and stuff ... and it will help set the mood
blindvomit said:
Teen games are stupid, the only one I like is Call of Duty, It's just like PG-13 movies, you see a really badass preview of a ****ing awsome action movie, and your like "OMFG THIS MOVIE IS GONNA HAVE TITTIES AND PEOPLE'S BODY PARTS FALLING OFF OMGOMG!" Then you find out its PG-13...teh gayness, and what's so bad about a zombie screaming while it's on fire??

I can't tell if this is sarcastic or not.

If you really need "titties and people's body parts falling off" to make a movie cool, then I feel sorry for you :) Then again, I'm mostly sure that you're being sarcastic.. BUT THAT DOES NOT WORK ON THE INTARWEB!
FoB_Ed said:
How could you have played it when you were 6? The game hasn't been out for 9 years...

EDIT: I found the exact words from gabe in the valve info thread

LOOKING for. Not received. Valve would like a Teen rating but they're not gonna change anything to get it.

What are you talking about? It says "looking at" not "looking for." Big difference in meaning there. The first merely says that currently they expect a teen rating. It doesn't imply anything about what they might want.
sHaDdoW said:
HALF-LIFE 1 was 15+(i'm 15)
i played half life when i was six and thairs nothing wrong with me
(oh god scared to go outside plese help ;( )LOL
if it is mature thair would be lots of profits to be lost as most of the fans are young people who found out about half life of older ppl, not me though. i got my younger brother playing it.
i'm also a kick ass player i'm usally first, so those old ppl who think young ppl are all n00bs are wrong
yeah seriously i played halflife at the age of 10 and evreything from the ultamate doom to system shock 2 to doom3 even GTA vice city im 14 going on 15 now and look at me? shure my speech stinks sometimes and my grammer is poor but still im not grabing a rifle and blowing ppls heads off... lol yes old ppl do think the youth are noobs when it comes to games.. my grandmah thought soul reaver was to "violent" so i never got it at Cmas... i wonder what she would say if she saw me snipeing in CZ :) :sniper:


as for the "store" issues... yes it will depend on the store... if i whent into wal-mart (fine store) and picked up postal 2, doom3, GTA3 , driver 3, and toped it off with "bloodiest blood" (dont exist)... and tryed to buy thows... they would say "unh uhh" aka nope ;( ... but now for EB games.. yeah thows are in just about evrey mall... you could go in thare and walk out with "adult only" games with nude etc... and they could really care less... now i think a place like wal-mart can get in some trub if they got caught selling adult games to teens :smoking: so yeah depends on the store... some kid can get his moms credit card and buy anything he wants from an online game site and they wouldnt care.. monney is monney it smells good and feels great... (out ppls idea of monney ) (i have no use for it so bleh)