Age doesn't always dictate maturity. I experienced more in five years of my adolescence than 80% of today's adults did in their entire lives. I matured a lot faster than most of my friends and I had to learn to deal with adult situations at a young age. Some of that was because I chose to and others because I was forced to. Where does that leave me? In a very strange position. I tend to have a wider range of knowledge than most, but at the same time keeping a piece of immaturity with me.
Now, I would have to say more people my age are more mature than I am. However, where the standard person of my age is immature, I'm an old man in comparison. All my life people have always thought I was five-ten years older than I am. I can't say that's good or bad. It's all circumstantial. The point I'm trying to make, is that it doesn't always matter how long you've been living on this planet - wisdom does not come with age, it comes with experience. It's very easy in today's society to experience more than your parents did. Is that always the case today? Of course not. I've met a lot of people my age and older that were complete idiots, experienced nothing in their life, and are complete immature tunnel visioned, buffoons. The door swings both ways.
Now, I would have to say more people my age are more mature than I am. However, where the standard person of my age is immature, I'm an old man in comparison. All my life people have always thought I was five-ten years older than I am. I can't say that's good or bad. It's all circumstantial. The point I'm trying to make, is that it doesn't always matter how long you've been living on this planet - wisdom does not come with age, it comes with experience. It's very easy in today's society to experience more than your parents did. Is that always the case today? Of course not. I've met a lot of people my age and older that were complete idiots, experienced nothing in their life, and are complete immature tunnel visioned, buffoons. The door swings both ways.