Maturity versus Age

  • Thread starter Thread starter HeatoN
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Age doesn't always dictate maturity. I experienced more in five years of my adolescence than 80% of today's adults did in their entire lives. I matured a lot faster than most of my friends and I had to learn to deal with adult situations at a young age. Some of that was because I chose to and others because I was forced to. Where does that leave me? In a very strange position. I tend to have a wider range of knowledge than most, but at the same time keeping a piece of immaturity with me.

Now, I would have to say more people my age are more mature than I am. However, where the standard person of my age is immature, I'm an old man in comparison. All my life people have always thought I was five-ten years older than I am. I can't say that's good or bad. It's all circumstantial. The point I'm trying to make, is that it doesn't always matter how long you've been living on this planet - wisdom does not come with age, it comes with experience. It's very easy in today's society to experience more than your parents did. Is that always the case today? Of course not. I've met a lot of people my age and older that were complete idiots, experienced nothing in their life, and are complete immature tunnel visioned, buffoons. The door swings both ways.
You obviously didn't understand where I was coming from... try and interpret and realize as I need some insight, not a worthless post...
HeatoN said:
You obviously didn't understand where I was coming from...
neither did I :o

there doesn't seem to be a question in your post or anything... so it's like,... ok, yeah, me too, uh huh. now, what was this about, again? ;)
you are correct, wisdom can only come through experience. But just because people have experienced and or intepreted experiences differently does make them more or less wise. Your wisdom may be more practical than someone elses but theirs may get them into a specialized profession.
Is this what you wanted, because I really dont know
What I am saying is that most young adolescence people don't deserve the credibility they deserve... but you see immature idiots in our world that no nothing on politics, philosophy, ethics, morals and so on yet they receive the credibility... for something that they probably didn't even perform.
'Tis such things as being able to rant and rave shadow6899... and that is exactly what I am doing. Regardless if it won't change the world, I have the right to rant and rave, even if it doesn't make sense to you.
Right...but perhaps you should make your thread a little more conducive to discussion, rather than just...well...I don't know what it is, but it ain't that.
Yeah....this is what should go at the END of a thread. This is a thread conclusion.
do you guys enjoy being trolls?

your behaviour is in fact the epitome of what he's talking about.

you don't have anything to add to the thread so troll elsewhere.
Dedalus said:
do you guys enjoy being trolls?

your behaviour is in fact the epitome of what he's talking about.

you don't have anything to add to the thread so troll elsewhere.'re right. I apologize. Sorry there, Heat. You were just trying to make a statement, and it was unnecessary for me to make fun of you.

Now that I think about's kind of funny. I'm older than HeatoN, and yet I acted much less mature. Guess the kid has a point, after all!
Wow this guy is the sh*t. He's like some kind of wise mentor who can teach us all how to live our lives with his vast quantities of experience.
I have a 12 year old little brother and since he was 9-10 he was more mature then all his friends. It was scary he would think like he was 16. no joke.
Now just because some people arn't as mature as you doesn't give you the right to go trampling over what they stand for. It doesn't really matter if a person has done anything important in their lifetime or boasts a large vocabulary. It just comes down to how they live their life.
Kyo said:
Now just because some people arn't as mature as you doesn't give you the right to go trampling over what they stand for. It doesn't really matter if a person has done anything important in their lifetime or boasts a large vocabulary. It just comes down to how they live their life.
Yeah, I'll have to go with that. Experience does not necessarily beget maturity and wisdom. Some people can experience boatloads and not learn a single thing from it. Just depends on the person.
rofl hes 14, although his dob could be fake... it could be someone else behind the mask :p

Now, this is just an observation, not an insult directed towards HeatoN. Anyone ever notice that only the young'ns use the word "mature" with great frequency? With the obvious exception of this thread, I really can't recall the last time I called someone "immature" or said to myself, "Wow, I sure am mature."
He_Who_Is_Steve said:

Now, this is just an observation, not an insult directed towards HeatoN. Anyone ever notice that only the young'ns use the word "mature" with great frequency? With the obvious exception of this thread, I really can't recall the last time I called someone "immature" or said to myself, "Wow, I sure am mature."
your birthday in 11 days :o

happy birthday
HeatoN said:
Age doesn't always dictate maturity. I experienced more in five years of my adolescence than 80% of today's adults did in their entire lives. I matured a lot faster than most of my friends and I had to learn to deal with adult situations at a young age. Some of that was because I chose to and others because I was forced to. Where does that leave me? In a very strange position. I tend to have a wider range of knowledge than most, but at the same time keeping a piece of immaturity with me.

Now, I would have to say more people my age are more mature than I am. However, where the standard person of my age is immature, I'm an old man in comparison. All my life people have always thought I was five-ten years older than I am. I can't say that's good or bad. It's all circumstantial. The point I'm trying to make, is that it doesn't always matter how long you've been living on this planet - wisdom does not come with age, it comes with experience. It's very easy in today's society to experience more than your parents did. Is that always the case today? Of course not. I've met a lot of people my age and older that were complete idiots, experienced nothing in their life, and are complete immature tunnel visioned, buffoons. The door swings both ways.

Sorry mate but the only thing you seem to have learnt is arrogance.

As a child, what you consider "experience" is nothing compared to the things your going to face when you enter the real world. Give it 20 years and you'll realise. Don't feel bad though, at your age we all thought we knew everything, then we grew up, played with the bigger boys and realised very quickly we knew shit back then.

All part of growing up, don't rush your childhood though, enjoy it while you can.
The Dark Elf said:
Sorry mate but the only thing you seem to have learnt is arrogance.

As a child, what you consider "experience" is nothing compared to the things your going to face when you enter the real world. Give it 20 years and you'll realise. Don't feel bad though, at your age we all thought we knew everything, then we grew up, played with the bigger boys and realised very quickly we knew shit back then.

All part of growing up, don't rush your childhood though, enjoy it while you can.

Well, understandably only he knows of his own experience, how can you be so sure he has zero per cent of that experience you are referring to?

I have to agree with HeatoN on most points.. But The Dark Elf has an interesting point anyhow, that there are several types of "maturity" and experience. One thing that I am sure of, though, is that you yourself can't 'measure' your own maturity or wisdom, that's up to those in your vicinity to do.

Back to the different types of maturity, I would suggest that the one which most people talk about is the general social maturity, it indicates your social warmth, friendliness, unselfishness etcetera. Most of it seems to be gained by age and experience.

But, like TDE mentions, most of the 'real' maturity can't magically appear in your teens or 20's, that's something you gain in your 30's-40's at earliest. People around those ages have a much better sense of maturity and wisdom, so to speak.

On the internet, there is way too much talk about maturity, decadent discussions about "who is the most mature", and such.. That is, like He_Who_Is_Steve says, NOT maturity in any kind of way.
Whats the point of acting mature when you are still a child? I never understood that, you are just letting some fun years of your life vanish because you want to "act older"....
I agree with heaton actually. He's just trying to make a point, a point that I try to make on CS servers every time a 26 year old starts flaming me for being 15...
im 18 and i like being immature. its fun.
i know wtf is happening in the world but i choose not to talk about it. why? i dont know, maybe because i dont take life seriously. maybe because of my playfull nature. i dont know.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Whats the point of acting mature when you are still a child? I never understood that, you are just letting some fun years of your life vanish because you want to "act older"....
This man speaks the truth.

Then again, so do HeatoN and The Dark Elf.
What I feel about the issue is that it kind of sucks to be instantly judged based on your age... people online immediately assume you're an idiot and you don't have anything intelligent to say, which pretty much makes you more mature than them.

Then you realize that you act their age more than they do, and you feel better.
i will never mature in the areas i don't need to because maturity is honestly boring as ass....everyone i know that's mature is BOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooring
as long as you don't team flash or generally be an asshole in CS:S, I'm fine with that.
Wow heatoN, you do need to learn some other skills with your great amount of wisdom that you have accumulated from your 14 years on this world. It is called modesty, even if you do think you are one of the greatest things to grace this world (I know I do) or you think that you are wiser or more "mature" than others, (I know that at least 99.99% of the population at our age does) you have to realize this makes you sound very pretentious, and I also imagine you don't have to look in the dictionary to know what that word means.

No you are not an old man, no you are not that mature, you are experiencing what a lot of people at this time. You are smart, I grant you that. But this is a normal phase, it is called adolescence it was when people think for themselves and form opinions (and form others things as well.)

When people think you are 5 or 10 years older than you actually are, do you mean in the real world, you know outside with birds and all that or do you mean on the Internet with hackers and all that?
Just because you can sound smart doesnt make you mature, I think the point of this thread was to tell people how mature you think you are, not how mature you really are.
LAYP said:
Wow heatoN, you do need to learn some other skills with your great amount of wisdom that you have accumulated from your 14 years on this world. It is called modesty, even if you do think you are one of the greatest things to grace this world (I know I do) or you think that you are wiser or more "mature" than others, (I know that at least 99.99% of the population at our age does) you have to realize this makes you sound very pretentious, and I also imagine you don't have to look in the dictionary to know what that word means.

No you are not an old man, no you are not that mature, you are experiencing what a lot of people at this time. You are smart, I grant you that. But this is a normal phase, it is called adolescence it was when people think for themselves and form opinions (and form others things as well.)

When people think you are 5 or 10 years older than you actually are, do you mean in the real world, you know outside with birds and all that or do you mean on the Internet with hackers and all that?
LAYP, you're 14 too, posting this just makes you sound as bad as him.
CrazyHarij said:
Well, understandably only he knows of his own experience, how can you be so sure he has zero per cent of that experience you are referring to?

I have to agree with HeatoN on most points.. But The Dark Elf has an interesting point anyhow, that there are several types of "maturity" and experience. One thing that I am sure of, though, is that you yourself can't 'measure' your own maturity or wisdom, that's up to those in your vicinity to do.

Back to the different types of maturity, I would suggest that the one which most people talk about is the general social maturity, it indicates your social warmth, friendliness, unselfishness etcetera. Most of it seems to be gained by age and experience.

But, like TDE mentions, most of the 'real' maturity can't magically appear in your teens or 20's, that's something you gain in your 30's-40's at earliest. People around those ages have a much better sense of maturity and wisdom, so to speak.

On the internet, there is way too much talk about maturity, decadent discussions about "who is the most mature", and such.. That is, like He_Who_Is_Steve says, NOT maturity in any kind of way.
Too ****ing right.

I know I'm not grown up yet, and I make no pretence that I am :)
Alright. there is some discussion now. more like it. ;)

yes, I understand the premise. I've met some kids that are 16/17 that I could have an intelligent conversation with, who seemed to have intelligent and considered opinions on things. I felt they were as mentally mature as I was, or nearly so. And I've also met people older than me, who acted like little kids... So what can you say? People mature at different rates.

Back when I was younger, I felt I was more mature than most people I knew.. But, in fact, I felt I was the image of perfection, too, sometimes. Some point it hits you youre not ****-all, and there's an infinite amount to learn and know, and you kew shit then, and know shit now. At least that's true for me.

So I say finding a balance is the key. Maturity is a valuable thing. Too much is a bad thing. The innocence of childhood is a good thing, everyone deserves to have that at some point, but obviously it can't last forever. But kids who want to 'grow up' and be mature, well they're doing themselves an injustice. There's no eason to grow up that fast. I think if you lived through life with a part of yourself eternally youthful... that's a plus. We all need a kid inside, capable of letting go and having fun with simple, stupid things.. laughing ourselves silly, whatever. As long as that part is not the part that guides outr actions and makes our decisions, it's all good. I'd feel sorry for someone who claimed to be more 'mature' then anyone they know... I'd hope that someday he'd feel around and discover there was a stick up his ass and want to pull it out.

As fore feeling that your maturity somehow makes you 'better' than other people... well, that's a ad road to go down. That's arrogance, even if it was true. You have to think of people as people, no matter how mature you think they are... To be so self-involved to think you are a better person 'casuse you think you are 'mature', well, tha's just stupid..

just to be clear this is not directed at anyone in particular..
DiSTuRbed said:
Whats the point of acting mature when you are still a child? I never understood that, you are just letting some fun years of your life vanish because you want to "act older"...

i agree with you and TDE about how you should enjoy your childhood.

kids want to be old and the old want to be young again, so enjoy life while your a kid because it wont come again
Audiophile said:
LAYP, you're 14 too, posting this just makes you sound as bad as him.

Your cover is blown LAYP, head for the hills! :laugh:
If experience is so great howcome old people just complain all the time? Are 80 year olds really the epitome of what we should be striving to become?