Max Distance?

  • Thread starter Thread starter KrakenKaos
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Ever since I installed Half Life 2 on my computer, that and its mods, whenever an object is on my screen if im more than 5 feet away from it, it fades away, is there a way to turn up the max distance? I've tried several commands, none seem to work
That is caused because your graphic card can't take the high settings. Myself, with a GeForce 4 MX can't see far away.
doh, yeah, my computers not the best in the world, I dont play online however, so lag in singleplayer doesnt matter to me if theres still some way to override it
oh ya, forgot to mention that in games like counterstrike, such as the barrels and random objects laying around, I can see them from across the map, this only happens with garry's mod and half life 2
Sounds like your graphic card can't handle the HL2 pressure, as AntiAnto said. There are some commands to overrride these, I think.

EDIT : Found it :
Type this in console :

Ent_fire prop_physics fade maxdis # <-- put a number in here, start with 8000 and if that isn't enough go higher. It may not work, though. Some cards and computers will simply ignore the commands because they can't handle it and if it would be activated the computer would crash or freeze. Might give huge lag too :p