maybe all the Fable playing is getting to my head, but I wont stop laughing at these


The Freeman
Dec 2, 2003
Reaction score
Gravestones in Fable:

Here lies Owen Moore, who died ow'in more then he could pay. -------
Rover was a true friend and pet, but ran in thunder storms when wet-------
K. Maller Athiest. All dressed up and nowhere to go.--
John and Sarah Miller- inseperable before the accident, moreso after.---

TEH FUNNEH, this is a thread to discuss the HUMOR in fable, it is NOT and will NOT become a place to criticize flame or so much as discuss what you think of it. END OF STORY.

oh also I walk around shirtless and every woman in bowerstone follows me around.. im about the get into the mayors pants when I get a black rose (its a chick, and a hot rich one at that) im 1/2 evil and my name is arrow dodger.. the women love me.. seriously all of them and even some men :O. They want wedding rings but I want the major because she is rich and very hot/blonde, and I have a thing for blondes. I kill people when they piss me off enough so thats why im part evil.. I also tend to sleep in others beds and fart at untimely moments.. I have also been spotted streaking in albion from time to time.. :) I cant wait to get in this girls pants. This undead place scares the shit out of arrowdodger so he has his tv muted and might just turn off his x-box... yes arrow dodger is a pussy when it comes to the undead and theyre howling :(

I should also mention I ugly chick propsed to me.. I got pissed punched her and ran away the gaurds werent happy so I killed a few and ran off (thank goodnes this was not in bowerstone, they love me there :cheers: )
B_MAN said:
"chicken chasa"

rofl!!!!! omg I was chicken chaser for so long.. I finally changed it to arrow dodger..phew :D lol but that name is a good one :) im such a stud in fable after owning in the arena im considered some kind-of god.. :D:D

I dress in all dark chain mail and use magicaly imbued katana/longbow.. I also like long walks in the park and kicking innocent school children and chickens :)

btw P.M is my god.. I bow to him.. this game is a godsent.. my favorite game since hl possibly :p it's just so uch fun to smack around bitches and not get in trouble by the law..
man that undead quest scared me.. this is why I can hardly even play the silent hil games without ripping out my hair :( oh well it was cool art /enviorment anyways :) worth the fright. btw im writing a revew for fable for this site and shacknews :) and maybe some other places
A gravestone in Oakvale read: I beat you in the race of life.

The humor in the game was somewhat suprising to me. I liked flirting with men, and hear them say things like "You know, I have a very lovely sister."
I liked the stone that read something like:

"No one can hold their breath for ten minutes."

I thought it might be a reference to monkey island.....
I think it means the person thought he could hold his breath for 10 minutes, but drowned. Or it was a reference to monkey island. Great games, both of them.
man that game sound funny as getting an xbox just for fable,also kotor and deus ex.
fable + future xbl plans = well worth purchase.. but imo fable is worth it xbl or not.. the game is amazing and has replay value for sure good/evil/inbetween

spouses/martialsocial status/real estate/good loooks, horns halos your choce.. I personally plan on makeing about 5 heroes in fable 1.0
bAbYhEaDcRaB said:
rofl!!!!! omg I was chicken chaser for so long.. I finally changed it to arrow dodger..phew

Yeah, I changed mine to Avatar then shot the title changer in the face with an arrow.

He didn't come back :\
There, that makes it so much cleaner.

mosquave was the only one "in the wrong" but quite frankly it was easier to get rid of it all.

mosquave, keep it going like that and you wont be here much longer...

...oh, and your two hands don't count as girlfriends ;)