Maybe MGS 3 comes to pc!!!!


Nov 11, 2004
Reaction score
On IGN they say that it might should come for pc, but that it has so far remained exclusive to ps2.

quote from IGN: Stealth espionage action takes to the jungles in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater for PlayStation 2 and PC.

Maybe there still are a change!!!!
The game would suck ass on the PC.
i dont know if it is, usually the substance version comes to pc, in this case it'd would be mgs3: subsistence, which has online play too, i wish it would come to pc but doubt it as they havent announced it....
If they properly marketed MGS1/2/3 to the PC with adverts and such they'd probably sell loads. But it's always a half-assed port with minimal advertising to save costs.
MGS:substinance wans't so bad, you jus thad to get used to the controls, and if you did not want to do that you could buy a joystick for 15,-. Anway I hoped it would come to the PC but I still don't believe it, or maybe they will take out the monkey's, but then will get mgs3 without the ape escape monkey's.
StardogChampion said:
If they properly marketed MGS1/2/3 to the PC with adverts and such they'd probably sell loads. But it's always a half-assed port with minimal advertising to save costs.
Actually no, I have MGS1 for the PC; and it's a great game, suffers of none of the bad-port issues that MGS2 Substance for PC had.:)
xlucidx said:
The game would suck ass on the PC.

i don't know actually because apparantly hideo kojima has been playing with the idea of having a third person camera similar to splinter cell so the controls could work on pc then
Iv always wanted the metal gear games on the pc. MGS 3 would be nice. But sadly i missed out on the 1st 2 for pc. :/ Only played MGS 1 on ps.