Maybe valve isnt so bad... Check this!


Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
OMG! - This is like bloodlines all over again![email protected]@.efd3668

Tribes V 1.1 patch has been CANCELD!

What this means?

-No punk buster support, it was in that patch.
-Still get to use beta netcode...

To many things to list but after 6 months of development on the patch, they have decided to just not release anything and call that game that. DONE!

Ritz said:
Valve did'nt make Tribes. Idiot.



"Maybe valve isnt so bad... Check this!"

This phrase is showing that I KNOW valve didnt make the game.

I was saying infact, that even thought valve might make me mad at times, atleast they never left a game BROKE!
Valve are loyal to their fans, they always have been. So they screw up PR once in a while, they don't rip us off, they never have.

What do you mean by 'they aren't so bad?'
Well, Valve has never had a game do quite as badly as Vengeance did either. The game sold very poorly, and from what I played of the demo it already seemed fully functional. The game isn't broke so therefore I don't think the developer has a responsibility to release a patch. And there certainly don't seem to be enough players to warrant a content patch.
Ritz said:
Valve did'nt make Tribes. Idiot.

Wow, just get up off the computer and walk away

(replace sir with mam respectively please)
This thread seriously sucks.
And totally misdirects some people with the title.
It basically looks as if you're implying Valve made Tribes, therefore
making you look like an idiot.
Suggestion : Reword everything you just said.
The thread title is fine. It suggests Valve isn't as bad as whatever company he's about to name in the thread, in this case whoever made Tribes.

Plus, Valve had an unlimited budget for making HL2 suggesting they are absolutely loaded. Tribes obviously didn't.
StardogChampion said:
Plus, Valve had an unlimited budget for making HL2 suggesting they are absolutely loaded.

Gabe obviously has stocks in Microsoft or saved all his hard earned money from them for a rainy day, HL2 development seemed rainy enough. ;) :cheers:
babyheadcrab said:
Wow, just get up off the computer and walk away

(replace sir with mam respectively please)

Bite me headcrab.

just so you guys know, the reason why no one is playing Vengeance, is that EVERYONE is currently waiting for the release of the patch, hoping that it can fix the game and make it worthwhile.

well, irrational, count me in for buying your next game!...not. idiots.
i played the demo of it, seemed alright to me. (Only the singleplayer though)
Why the hell do you dislike Valve so much Mayro? Every one of your threads has had something negative about Valve in it. What's the deal?
llama, nobody plays T:v single player, it sucks, tribes is a CTF game, and to get the scope of it you would need to play the first one. vengeance feels like tribes 1 put in a dryer for too long.

about the guys who hates valve, he must have a shit pc, and since steam tends to **** around with shit pcs, he must be having trouble. otherwise I don't really see as they are one of the best developing companies in the history of interactive entertainment
It's sad that so few people play Tribes: Vengeance. Feels like huge waste
I really should use a spell checker on my post's but then I would have to care more...

To awnser your question though, im not out to "get valve". Im just a unhappy person in general and spend way to much time reading message boards and really need to get a life. :)

That being said, CSS and HL2 are some of the games that I currently play along with bloodlines. Valve ignors almost every single question or post I put on there forms like it would kill them to awnser a question that some guy looking in a book will be able to awnser.

All in all, I like valve alot more than some other companys. They produce games that last. Really, I should hike my butt over to the maggots web page and post. Then again, thats what they want. lol

PS: If you think I rant alot, go check the message boards on .... If I ever for a secound thought that valve was a bad company, looking at what blizzard is/has done to wow is shurely a cause to gripe.

Wow loves to not document things in there patchs that effect alot of people in a NEGATIVE way. They have threads so long over there about the problems that you litteraly would spend a week reading the new ones for the day lol.
I think the current people working on WoW are the bad ones.

Blizzard Entertainment has made some of the best games and offered some of the best support seen by any company ever before it.

They made a game thats 7 years old that guess what!
-Had no real big mods
-Has more people than probably any RTS currently being played, besides Wc3.

Starcraft, even after 7 years.

Blizzard just needs to get straighted out.

Think about it like this,
Starcraft 1996, E3
Viewers called Starcraft "Orcs in Space". It was heavily made fun of and dissed alot.
A guy asked for 2 months to fix up the engine.
*2 Years Later*
One of the most stunning RTS's in the world came.

So trust me give the game a few months to get it all sorted out. After everything gets cleared up you will see, WoW will be WoWing once more.

Blizzard Entertainment, the company I respect the most.

Bill Roper, may not worked for blizzard anymore but still highly respected by me.
Tribes: Venegeance was a great multiplayer game. It's a shame Irrationnal isn't patching it, it's a pity it was ignored, because it was, quite frankly, brilliant.

A better title would have been "Maybe Valve isn't so bad... check out these buggers!".

Blizzard R0x0rs. Valve R0x0rs. SquareEnix r0x0r. Westwood, if it were still existant, r0x0rs.