Mayor Menino's Blubbering Hypocrisy


Space Core
Aug 22, 2004
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It's nothing new when a person in a position of political influence manages to eat their own words. No exceptions have been made regarding Boston's mayor Thomas Menino. Below is a snip-it from this existential douche regarding Boston's role in the gaming community.

We want to help these young people and entrepreneurs understand that we?re a digital-friendly city. My administration is dedicated to helping creative industries flourish.?

Hmmm, not bad. This guy might be on to something....oh wait....

Mayor Menino led a 2006 movement to have ads for GTA: Vice City Stories removed from public transportation and got the local transit agency to commit to never again carrying an ad for an M-rated game. Now he is at the center of a legislative proposal that would equate violent games with pornography. In between attacks on video games, Menino hopes to lure game developers to set up shop in Boston. Because it?s, you know, such a game-friendly city?

Im sure most of you probably have little no know experience with this ignorant fool, but if you did, you would understand that merely listening to him attempt to put together a structured sentence equates to trying to remove your genitalia through your anus. Why are people like this elected, and worse, listened to?

Wow a politician who's a hypocrite! That's a rare find dude.

But really this is going to happen alot. A politician will say video games are evil the they'll see there's no stopping them and to get the young peoples vote will side with them.
Wow a politician who's a hypocrite! That's a rare find dude.

But really this is going to happen alot. A politician will say video games are evil the they'll see there's no stopping them and to get the young peoples vote will side with them.

The problem with young people voting is that their young and cant vote. He's dangerous not because he is a good politician and speaker (:laugh:), but because of the unmerited complacency his voters give him. He's been in office for over 10 years, so I guess some people can be stupid AND run a city.