McCain-Palin Mob

Didn't you hear some of the ralleys she was at? "TRAITOR!" "KILL HIM!" whenever she mentioned Obama.

Gods, I'm glad I'm not American so I don't have to be ashamed.
if obama picked palin i'd give him the same criticism instead of trying to defend her with no ground to stand on. There's a difference between dedication and insanity, and it's apparently as thin as a hair.

It's depressing that I know my country wouldn't be much better.
"He has the racial lines" or whatever that bint said, nice attempt at covering your blatant racism.

Seriously guys, if you love America, spread the word man, Europe is actually shitting itself at the prospect of four more years of stupid.

Its like watching your friend descend further in that spiral of stupid abuse, we've tried interventions and everything but you won't listen....
It's amazing how quickly people like this descend into pre-school level argumentative logic.

"When's the first you heard of Obama?"
