McClintock effect

The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
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The McClintock effect (also known as Menstrual synchrony or the "Whitten effect") is the observed phenomenon that the menstrual cycles of women who live together (such as in prisons, convents, bordellos, dormitories, etc.) will tend to become synchronized over time.

When was the last time this happened to you?
well, i was near someone who had to shit in the morning....and out of nowhere i had to go...completely out of sync with my normal nightly poopies
well, i was near someone who had to shit in the morning....and out of nowhere i had to go...completely out of sync with my normal nightly poopies
So you're comparing regular pooping with BLEEDING OUT OF YOUR VAGINA
well, i was near someone who had to shit in the morning....and out of nowhere i had to go...completely out of sync with my normal nightly poopies
Never happened to me, I always follow the same time schedule (two in the morning, one in the afternoon and one in the evening).
So does this effect apply to other bodily functions as well?
typical stone age thing. i always get tired when my friends get tired, get hungry when they do, etc etc. so you could schedule your activities when you were hunting and shit back in the good old days
hmm so that's why the local whorehouse is closed for a week every month ..and here I thought they were intentionally avoiding me cuz I keep trying to cash in all those frequent flyer miles

My friend, who lives with his mother and 2 sisters has experienced this for the past several years. Sucks to be him, one week every month....
typical stone age thing. i always get tired when my friends get tired, get hungry when they do, etc etc. so you could schedule your activities when you were hunting and shit back in the good old days

Surely all these things are activity-related, whereas the McClintock effect is biological.

ie eating at the same time and doing the same things may well result in correlatory shite and sleep routines, but
the menstrual cycle is clearly a different kettle of hormonal fish

F*cking christ, how much do you eat!? D:

I'm not sure this is at all related, but if I see someone yawning, I get an uncontrollable urge to yawn.

Also, you may have noticed this, but if you're in a quiet crowd of people (eg. a school assembly hall during a meeting / performance / whatever) and somebody coughs, the cough kinda travels around the room from random person to person for 4 or 5 times till it dies.
My friend, who lives with his mother and 2 sisters has experienced this for the past several years. Sucks to be him, one week every month....
For a week, he pisses blood out of his penis? D:

EDIT: I nominate this thread for "Weirdest thread of the month"
Lmao at this thread. One of the funniest I've read here in a long time. :laugh:
I've noticed that when a bunch of people are in a room, and one guy coughs, a ton of other people suddenly think it's ok to cough then, too. Although, I haven't much noticed it with menstrual cycles o_o

I mean, imagine some guy asking you about what time you have your period every month. When you're in prison.
i take 1 good shit a day, and sometimes once per two days.....and i actually eat athletic in build but its hard for me to gain weight, so i eat everything without remorse.
I'm not sure this is at all related, but if I see someone yawning, I get an uncontrollable urge to yawn.
Was I the only who yawned after reading this post?

Damn you lePobz.
"Man, I really gotta take a dump."
"Yeah, me too."

*look at each other*

*mad dash*

Damn it, yawned typing that.