McPixel becomes first Greenlit title to hit Steam


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
Reaction score
An announcement on the Steam Greenlight community page is celebrating the first game to make it through the Greenlight system and find its way onto the Steam storefront: McPixel. McPixel is a fast paced point and click adventure game (never thought I'd say those words together) where the player is given a set of one-screen challenges each with a twenty second timer where he or she must solve bizarre logic problems to prevent stuff blowing up. Think Sam & Max Hit the Road crossed with WarioWare but even more bizarre than either.

See the official launch trailer bellow or if you want to see what the game is like to play you can check out Giant Bomb's Quick Look of the game here.

Don't get me wrong I don't mind retro graphics, but I've been getting really tired of seeing every other indie game going 8bit as of late. It's like they think they're being edgy or special by going with retro graphics. Guess what? They're not! They rather play off nostalgia than make something completely original (at least art-wise).
It all just part of a formula. First Person Shooter go with a modern setting; they sell. Indie games go with retro graphics; they sell.
Pixel graphics in general aren't bad, but there are many styles to go with, and this one I don't care for.
Don't get me wrong I don't mind retro graphics, but I've been getting really tired of seeing every other indie game going 8bit as of late. It's like they think they're being edgy or special by going with retro graphics. Guess what? They're not! They rather play off nostalgia than make something completely original (at least art-wise).
It all just part of a formula. First Person Shooter go with a modern setting; they sell. Indie games go with retro graphics; they sell.
Most of the time they go 8-bit so they don't need to spend money hiring an artist. It's a logicistical decision more than an artistic one.
I resent the implication, Stig.

Though in this game's case it's true.
Haha, I don't mean it like that. You still need to have artistic skill if you want it to be good pixelart, especially if you're using a non-2D perspective or impression, it's just that you don't need people who know how to do texture work or modelling and animation.
Modelling yeah, but texture work and animation is very much a part of pixel art...
Oh joy, another ~retro~ art style game.
Indie games are the same goddamned shit. Find a real art style you shitheads. "Retro" graphics are becoming the new brown and bloom.
Oh joy, another ~retro~ art style game.
I was half way through a good response to this when I realized I want to strangle Notch and Team Meat, while also beating the Bastion devs and Blue from Terraria with rusty pipes.

But I guess the developer isn't a pretentious nerd and realizes that his game isn't really a game. And he doesn't try to pass it off as the most innovative thing in 30 years simply because he got a Liberal Arts degree at a community college.
I think the game looks really fun and it looks fine to my easily-pleased eyes. I'll buy it when I can sufficiently rationalize spending another €5 of video games.
The developer is literally giving it away for free... He had the Pirate Bay promote it. I don't know why anyone would pay for it besides to give money away. Yeah, I get the whole "support the devs" concept but the guy gave it away, FOR FREE!