McRib Dissection...


Looks like chicken to me.

Mighty tasty chicken :D
Looks more like all purpose meat to me... but hey. Isn't that what all McDonalds food looks like?
What the hell are those little gray squares? :|

Oh and might I add, their chicken sandwiches are actually pretty good now. Made with real chicken. :D
Eeesh. I cant stand McDonalds food. And I use the term 'food' in its loosest possible sense.
My own fecal matter looks more delicious than that
Since I am eating breakfast, I'm not clicking the link.

But, chances are it won't answer my question anyways.

What is a McRib?

I know of McChicken and McNuggets, but McRib?
I haven't heard of this McRib either. But it doesn't look too pleasant, whatever it's meant to be.
I tried one the other day, they taste worse than they look.
Cheap back-street asian takeaway burgers are the best. Specially at 3am on a saturday night.

I guess if McDonalds was open at that time, those McSh!t burgers would probably taste good too.
I never liked mcdonalds.

Ronald raped my mother and killed my father. ;(
I never liked mcdonalds.

Ronald raped my mother and killed my father. ;(

Ok, it's time we come clean Raziaar. You're old enough so we can tell you this. Your father was never killed....
Your father is Ronald Mcdonald
Pennywise was my father long before qckbeam started using him as his avatar. :dork:

I remember when he first started using it.
Pennywise ftl...He raped my dreams and killed my hopes of ever sleeping again.

Only in the past year have I gotten over him.

I feel like such a sissy.

Pennywise would do terrible, evil things to me in my dreams.

In one dream he turned me into a dresser with drawers... and started hacking me to pieces slowly and agonizingly with a saw. Back and forth, back and forth, until the blood of my body oozed forth from the wood pores of my skin.

I hope Stephen King gets raped because of that movie. I really do.

Nothing has given me nightmares quite like Killer Klowns from Outer Space or The Thing though. Bitches.

But that McRib....That thing needs a horror movie....Attack of the McRibber! A BLOCK BUSTER I SAY!
The Thing was ****ing awesome. I had dreams about The Thing... but it was of me buying 3 different versions of it (the regular edition, collectors edition, and original Japanese version). Yeah... weird dream.