/me thinks GameSpy is sending the wrong message...


Jan 16, 2004
Reaction score
I now feel like I have an obligation to find out :)
nah i think it's just their attempt to reach the masses because they think everyone is a druggy and worries about when the government will legalise it and such etc. either that or they got paid quite a bit to host that ad.

i don't think it's the 'wrong' message like you say, more of a 'different' one.
Yah, look at IGN.com they have lots of pot smoke ads inbetween your downloads or screenshots browsing.. :D It's kinda fun BTW..
Did you ever clicked on it? It's anti-drug website.
Mr.Reak said:
Did you ever clicked on it? It's anti-drug website.

yeah, I know, But I just thought it was funny :)
I cant tell you how sick I became of seeing "SKUNK THE HERBAL ALTERNATIVE TO MAIRJUAJNANAANA" ads. I ****ing hate them still.
I didn't know I could get on marijuana just by clicking a LINK! WOW!
well, I may have altered those screenies just a bit... not alot, maybe a few words, and maybe the structuring...just a bit... :)
smoking pot is better than getting aids..
then again .. what isn't ?
you're missing the screenies, I took them down because they put Gamespy in a bad spot, which I do not want. Worse than getting Aids is waiting for HL2...