Meat Puppets fans?


Sep 23, 2003
Reaction score
Meat Puppets II is just one of the coolest albums ever. Sometimes out of tune, sometimes quirky, sometimes just wierd.


Oh, since my Monster Magnet ftp was nuked, I guess posting an ftp is not allowed.

So, if you want an easy download, just pm. For some reason I can't get more than ~25kB/s from the US, just so you know.

edit: meat puppets, not meat pupptes
Are you serious? (I don't care if you're serious about calling the RIAA, but are you objecting to me pushing my favorite bands like this?)

This is about spreading the word. I have MP II, I also have all Monster Magnet albums. However, the first time I heard MP was on MP3. If I hadn't heard it, I probably wouldn't have bought it.
*Recording Industry of Association of America, how may I help you?

nah i'm j/k
Ah, thought so. It can fully understand that don't want people linking to ftps directly on their forums. Still bugs me that I didn't get to read any of the replies to my MM post though.
Well yeah, because the forum doesn't want to have links to illegal material, that would be bad.