Media Player Screen Shots?


Dec 7, 2004
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I have this top gear video that i want to take a screen shot of, however it has some protection BS on it. Whenever i try to take a picture it just turns the screen black. I could understand if this were a DVD or something, but it's just a tv show. I've tried all four of my media players and they all do the same thing, is there any way around this? I even tries downloading a 'screen shot' program from and it did the exact same thing.
I dont belive there is. I have been trying to do the same thing for about a week
I had a program called something Screen Grabber... It had some other name before it but I can't remember what it was.

It worked when i took screenshots from WMP classic.
ah! that is so dumb, what if you made your own movie from video you recorded at christmas or something and wanted to take a picture of part of it! I hate you windows!
It's nothing to do with protection. I think it's just the codecs or whatnot can't be screengrabbed using prnt scrn.

If it's an avi file then open it in VirtualDub then take a screenshot from there in the menu.
Its to do with directx i think.
Open your file in wmp, go to tools/options/performance and set video acceleration to none. Apply it and wait till its ready. Take your screenshot then set acceleration to full again.
I dunno what you're talking about... but when I take a screenshot, it has the screen in paint, but it's still moving. weird.
Thats the actual video still being displayed, not the screenshot, close your player and see if its still there..