Medical Emergency

Apr 29, 2005
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Medical Emergency

CHAPTER 1 -: An unwelcome guest

The sun peaks over the cliffs along highway 17. Samuel Whinstone takes his weekly drive down the highway in his small hatch back carrying an extremely important package. A medium sized package of medicine.

Sam pulled up along side David Robertson’s house and knocked on the door. “Hey Dave, you home?” said Sam. There was no answer. Sam was not worried; he knew that David had a small hearing problem.

“Dave?” there was still no answer. Sam’s anxiety started a little bit. “Dave I’ve got your medicine, open up.” Still no answer. Now he was worried. Sam decided to give one last call, “Dave open now or I’ll kick down your door, you’re an old man who needs his medicine” he joked nervously, trying to disguise his anxiety.

Still there was no answer. Sam couldn’t wait any longer. CRACK, he kicked down the door finding a man in a withered heap on the floor. Sam, with his medical experience, went to check his pulse and breathing.

There was an extremely low pulse and his breathing was a fast and light shudder rather then a slow deep draw. But then the unthinkable happened. David’s breathing stopped. Sam rushed back to the care and grabbed a respirator and a Defibrillator out of his car bolting back inside.

Sam checked David’s pulse again, it had stopped. Sam was worried. He charged up the Defibrillator and out of impulse yelled “clear” applying 150 volts to David’s chest. No response. Sam tried again this time charging to 200 volts. “CLEAR”. Thwump. Nothing. He tried one last time to the top a portable Defibrillator, 220 volts. “Clear” he yelled, this time almost through tears. Once again nothing.

Knowing that he had 4 minutes, wait no 2 minutes now, until brain death he started doing CPR to increase time. After one hour he called for help on his mobile phone, knowing he once again had three minutes, he rang the hospital. Searching through his phone he found it. The Breen’s Public Hospital, After 30 agonizing seconds some one picked up.

“Hello BPH, how can I help you?” “yes hello I need an ambulance immediately at 162 on highway 17, this mans gone into cardiac arrest and is unresponsive to portable Defibrillator maximum charge” “all right there will be an ambulance within 3 minutes”.

Sam returned to his CPR awaiting the sirens of the ambulance. Finally he could here them. “Thank god” he said. Bursting through the door came three pale green clad combine medical officers. “Medical citizen stand aside” said an electronic voce from the front officer.

Outside there was a white APC of the MCD, or the Medical Combine Division. Sam finally got the courage to speak up, “officer I was wondering if I could come with you to the hospital to observe the disease and how it works”. “Very well medical citizen, but only to minimize on combine spent resources”

Sam nodded and stepped aside as they ran David into the MCD APC. Bolting after them Sam started up his hatchback and slammed it into drive. The MCD APC gunned up and left with a screech. Sam slammed his foot down on the accelerator and prepared to get past the Antlions.

CHAPTER 2 -: into City Seventeen.

Well what do you think of the first chapeter?
CHAPTER 2 -: into City Seventeen.

The MCD APC screeched to a halt with Sam almost slamming into them. Unbeknown to him the MCD APC had sensors indicating that Antlions were near. Sam however did not and watched in horror as an antlion emerged from the soil and made a gliding leap to his car.

Fortunately for him a MCS or medical combine soldier mounted the MCD APC’s machine gun turret. Firing wildly the MCS clipped the antlion on the wing sending it out of control careening into his hatchback, causing Sam to duck in fright for his life. The antlion, infuriated by pain and its inaccuracy, started slamming its mandibles at the windscreen.

The MCS noticing this swung his HMG onto the rampaging antlion making a few bullet marks and yellow blood splats all over the windscreen. Sam was considering pulling the shotgun in his back seat out in order to attempt to butcher the antlions.

As if the MCD’s read his mind they said through their loud speakers “do not attempt to fire upon the xenofauna as you will be fired upon by our automated turrets”. Sam made a small nod and instead pulled out a small tomahawk axe and donned a small chest plate of Kevlar awaiting the beasts.

Once again through the loudspeakers a voice said “Medical citizen prepare yourself to accelerate with your maximum capabilities”, Sam once again nodded and gunned his engine and arced up his windshield squirters in order to clean the blood of his windshield.

Pushing a small button he engaged his turbo on his car and sped him up to match the incredible acceleration of the MCD APC. Up ahead he could see the looming gates of City Seventeen. As the gate rolled up any remaining antlions that were still tailing Sam and the MCD APC were instantly killed by the mounted HMG units on the wall.

As Sam pulled inside of the gates and drove up to the car park of the BPH he couldn’t but help wonder what could kill a man like that in just a few days

CHAPTER 3 -: Evolution

all right what about that chapter? I know it was a lot shorter but I promise the next one will be alot longer
I heart j00.

Good chapters, I agree that the second one was a bit short. I can't wait to know what happened to Dave, I think he's been bitten by a black headcrab, am I right? Am I right?
naa its a new deasise
but the next chappie is almost done, its mostly abotut what happens with the desise after a few more days and explains a bit about BPH
All right all im so sorry to say that i lost a system file and had to re image without backing up CH-3
so im starting again :'(
Chapter 3-: Evolution

Sam sat waiting outside of the clean room in BPH. All around him outside there is a buzz of activity. citizens with broken limbs, People with combine brung diseases around every corner. Sam smirked. The citizens had no idea about what could've happened to them. A combine officer came around the corner and said "Medical Citizen, come with me" Sam obediently rose and walked with the CP around half the hospital. They past multiple sections including one, much to Sam's disgust, reading "Medical Testing Facility".

"Don't worry about that" said the CP "It's not what you think". "what is it then?" said Sam, Some kind of place where you test medicinces?". "Yea" replied the CP "but not the kind of medicines that you want inside of YOUR bodies" "whose bodies then?" Questioned Sam. "Ours" replied the CP, "whats that supposed to mean" said Sam. The CP shook his head and replied in a sweet sarcastic voice "well little timmy when a CP becomes old enough to be a CP he goes through some changes, this includes the removal of major digestive, sexual and respitary organs and we need special medicine to survive". Sam almost laughed but instead smirked and rolled his eyes.

"Don't laugh" said the CP, "it's incredibly painful, and I'm the only CP that I know of to actually have a sense of humor". Sam nodded, "so what sort of training excersises do they put you through?" questioned Sam. "that is confidential information sorry medical citizen". Sam reluctently nodded. Finaly they arrived at the entrance to the clean room. The CP ordered sam into some clothing that he indicated to over on the wall. "put it on" said the CP, "you'll need it to live in here" Sam nodded. After donning the mask and pale blue robe like clothes Sam and the CP walked into an "air lock"

"This part is particularly loud" said the CP, "you may want to block your ears". Sam nodded and put his fingers over the top of the audio input sections of his helmet but none the less could hear a loud wooshing noise as the chamber sucked all the air out into the surrounding area. Sam cluched his throat and the CP made a sudden movement and flicked a switch on the side of Sam's helmet with the result of him being able to breath and a digital voice saying "oxygen reserves online". "Sorry, forgot to warn you about the deoxygenation of the chamber" said the CP over the radio link. After another wooshing noise the CP flicked the switch again and the electronic voice said "warning, high Co2 levels present".

Almost immediatly after the previous message the voice said "oxygen scrubbers online, oxygen tanks deactivated" then finaly the door opened and they walked through to find David on a respirator and vitals moniter. "his pulse returned and is currently running an alarmingly fast rate, and his breathing, well thats forced O2 so we can't exactly moniter that" Informed the CP. Sam nodded, David was in a terrible state. His arms looked as if they were shriviling and his face was all hollow and bruised. his torso looked as if it had all the fat and almost all the muscle evaporated out of it and his legs were all pale and suprisingly bulky.

"If I didn't know better I would say this is the spanish flu" said Sam, "but all the muscle seems to be going to his legs and all citizens were imunnised for it came". Sam took another look. He could see that his fingers had also bulked up, and his eyes were becoming larger and more apparent. The CP bent down to David and withdrew what appeared to be a knife of some sort. Moving to Sam, the CP handed him the knife and a test tube. "Get a scraping and analyze it for any known diseases, either Combine or Human or any Animal sickness either" said the CP. Sam bent down low over David and scraped the inside of his mouth.

"Insert it over there" said the CP pointing at a small hole the size of the test tube "your results will be back in fifteen seconds, or it's free". Sam laughed, as the CP said fifteen seconds later the test tube came back but this time containing a note inside of it, reading as follows:

Combine diseases: Negative

Human Diseases: Negative

Fauna Diseases, Including Terra Firma Fauna and Xenofauna: Negative

Sam sighed, "nothing" he said sadly. The CP nodded "time for a new cure" he said. Suddenly from behind the two a scream erupted from David. His back was arching high into the air and his heart moniter went crazy. The CP pulled out his handgun out of instinct and pointed it at David, covering Sam with his body. David suddenly fell back to the bed but he was still writhing in pain, His body wriggling in his covers. Once again, for the second time in twenty four hours, David's heart stopped. The CP checked the heart monitor attached to David's body. It was still securly fastened. Then David opened his eyes!

Chapter 4 -: Insecurities

All right finaly done, guys i cant stress it enough


this one was done in wordpad mind you so dont be keep in mind that there is no grammar or spell checker
Chapter 4 -: Insecurities

David's legs flicked out in a sweeping fashion, knocking the CP's legs out from underneath him. The CP crumbled and David stood up, ripped his mask of and as the CP was standing up it placed its swollen fingers in pressure points spread out around his upper body. The CP pulled out his stunstick in his last effort before he passed out and threw it to Sam. Sam ignited the stunstick and jammed it into David's modified upper body. David made a sharp screech like the sound of nails on a chalk board and passed out.

Dragging the CP to safety away from david, Sam dragged both of their shocked bodies over to the airlock, hitting the button labeled "air content rotation". Instantly the Co2 levels in the chamber dropped and became high levels of nitrogen and oxygen. Sam noticed a button on the wall labled "irradicate" and jammed his finger on it. Immediatly the clean room filled with a hazy gas, then in an instant a small spark appeared on the wall and the whole room exploded with fire. Sam could hear the screeches of his old friend David filling the room. Sam sunk to his knees, recalling the last twenty minutes of what just happened

The chamber door opened and Sam dragged the CP out of the airlock. He called for a doctor or a nurse, "CP down, CP down, I need a nurse or a doctor here stat" he yelled. Instantly a nurse started running over to check his vitals. He's OK and all we need to do is just leave him for a bit and he'll wake up. Sam nodded and walked back over to the drinking fountain and was about to grab a cup of water when a citizen appeared out of no where and said "don't drink the water, it makes you forget, here take this bottled water, its pure" Sam nodded and drunk gratefully.

The CP started to awake and Sam ran over to him. "Hello there medical citizen" said the CP grogily. "Hello humor wielding CP" replied Sam, "When does your shift end?". "Well if it's 18:30 hours then now" he replied as Sam helped him up. Sam checked his watch "18:43" said Sam with forceful cheer as he had just seen what happened to David. "Come with me medical citizen" said the CP. Sam obediantly trailed behid him out of the BPH and up a few Kilometres to a four way intersection where he discovered and interesting revelation. "Go down to that dam and you'll find a small off shore platform one kilometre from the base around the bend, go there and you will never have to worry about lack of medical research resources again". Sam nodded gratefuly and set off with a jog.

As he reached the base of the dam he saw the platform and sprinted over to it. When Sam reached it he saw a small open gate and walked through it to a small bunker like entrance. He entered and suddenly a door slamed behind him, Sam was trapped. He instantly hated the combine but then an almost soothing voice said "Okay calm down we're not Combine, okay its definently got no traces of metal around the facial area, Citizen don't worry about this blue laser, it's just a scanner". "Where am I" said Sam, "your safe now, at a resistance or should I say THE resistance HQ" said the voice "my name is Sarah O'Reily and I'm a resistance worker".

"Well I'm Samuel Whinstone, the best medical citizen on highway 17" he said, "and I'm here on a CP's orders". Sarah said back to him "Well when that CP gets back he'll have no face plate and be called Barney Coulhan". "Well at the moment all he is to me is The humor wielding CP" said Sam, "Well no real CPs actually have a sense of humor, and your lucky you ran into Barney actually, he was on special assignment for Eli" said Sarah. The scan had finished and another door opened, Sam walked through it and saw a small flight of steps to where Sarah was standing.

"Well thats my shift" she said, "but just one thing, we found an unknown substance on your shirt, can you take it off please?". Sam obliged and striped of his standard blue jump suit, handing it to Sarah. "John catch" she said throwing it to the launderer who caught it with open arms and pressing it up against his face sniffing with a look of disgust.

Sarah saw Sam's bare chest. Sam was in excellent physical condition to the point he had a easily viewable muscles when topless. "Ooh walk with me handsome" said Sarah. Now for a quick rundown of Sarah, Shoulder length brown hair, busty and slim with a cute face and sexy legs, Sam happily obliged. They walked down the hall together and came across a retinal scanner.Sarah bent down to enter her eye signature reveling an incredibly cute ass. "This is the living quaters" she said "you all have a private room when you first get here and after two weeks move to the common hall, you know for recovery reasons". They walked a little further to a pleasantly smelling room.

"This is the kitchen" commented Sarah, "This vortigaunt here is an excellent chéf, aren't you Galag-un". The vortigaunt shrugged and resumed stirring. "He's not too happy with his job" whispered Sarah, they continued to walk. "Second last is the target range" said Sarah, indicating to a room where several men in blue jumpsuits were firing upon a hay filled matresses with bullseyes painted upon them. "And last but not least is Eli's lab, thats all thats currently needed to know" and then just before opening the door they kissed.

Sam and Sarah seperated looking rather guilty but then looked at each other and smilled. "Well thats an interesting first expirence for a rebel base for me" said Sam through a grin. Sarah opened the door feeling as though she had grown a foot in height and called to Eli "we have some more fresh meat doctor". Eli nodded and grinned "finally found a boyfriend hey Sarah, all right I'll get him a good job" Sarah's cheeks went bright red and gave Sam a copy of her roster, time table, her Public Hall number and a map. "If your interested in going out meet me here" she said. Sam was relieved, he had finally found love.
Chapter 5 -: Love and Sickness

Eli stared at Sam, "Well I see why she wants you Samual" said Eli, "Sam if you don't mind" he replied. Eli nodded. Sam and Eli started to talk about Sarah. "So what exactly did you mean by FINALLY got a boyfriend?" inquired Sam, "I would have thought with a body like that she would have been married by now". "Well she always said she was waiting for the right man and would never date till she found one" said Eli. "So she was kinda almost frigid?" asked Sam "if you want to put it that way" was the reply.

Sam was put to work in the hospital section. It turned out that Sam was the only qualified doctor on the premesis, everyone else was mearly highly expirenced as a medic or a nurse. After three days of work Sam decided to get into touch with Sarah. Walking over to her Public Hall he knocked on the door. Naturally Sam was incredibly suprised to find what was inside, womens underwear everywhere. Sam's jaw dropped, he evidently made a mistake in coming in a muscle top, it was a womens only hall. One of the ladies walked over and started trying to flirt with Sam, who politly declined asking for Sarah. A large oooooohhhhh fell over the hall as Sarah walked over to Sam.

"So the frigid bitch gets the man" said one of the more scantily dressed women, which promptly called for a response from Sarah in the presice words of "just because I don't dress and act like a prostitute, doesn't mean that I'm frigid" and with that she flicked her hair and walked off with Sam. as they were walking down the hall Sam came across a familiar face. "Well if it isn't the humor wielding CP" said Sam jokingly with the reply of "and if it isn't the Medical Citizen, ooh with the most hot looking girl in the base, your lucky to have her ...." "Sam" he concluded. "Ah Sam, and my name is" "Barney Coulhan" Said Sam "Sarah told me when I first got here"

Barney nodded and said "well I suppose you'd better get going so seya later Sam and Sarah", "bye" they said in unison. Walking down the alley way they encountered a lovely french restraunt. "kind of out of place in the Czech Republic eh?" said Sam, while the duo walked over to find out if there was a free space the HQ was having problems. John, the launder noticed he was rather short of breath an tiring quickly, the nurse gave him some pills for his heart and some pure Oxygen for his breathing. The nurse was worried, that was the third today suffering from the same problems. HQ called Sam and told them about the problems. Sam said urgently "Put anyone who is or has been with the exposed in a seperate room immeadiatly, noone is to go near them under any cirumstances". Sam resumed his meal with Sarah.

Sarah leaned on Sam's shoulder as they held hands and walked down the street. They found a cinema playing "Our Great Benefactors, a Short History" and went to see it for a laugh. After an evening they both agreed was excellent they took a quite walk down the base of the dam and approached the rebel HQ. Sam bid goodnight to Sarah and said to her that he may need her at a moments notice. Sarah agreed and went to bed as Sam walked down to Eli's lab to ask about this medical condition that has occured around the HQ. Eli replied with an anxious voice, "It seems to be an interesting condition that mainly occurs with the middle aged men and elderly men, the nurses female nurses that have been exposesed are fine but the male medics are expirencing all the symptoms that you have described from that David man."

Sam nodded, then spoke up "I don't care what sex they are they must wear a mask and scrubs whenever entering the contamination room. As so far there is no cure but I hope to develope one" Eli agreed and Sam went to inspect the patients. He strapped on a mask and went to view the infected. Within the room were a group of groaning people, both males and females. One had collapsed and was being tended to by a nurse, as Sam approached the nurse looked at him witha funny look. "Why are you wearing that mask" she asked which was swiftly replied with "well it seems that this illness is affecting men only" from Sam. "Nurse I am going to need to see you over here" he said and walked over to a more secluded section for some privacy. "Whats the matter?" inquired the nurse and Sam replied with "we are going to need to kill all the men, and quickly".

The nurses jaw dropped. "There are twenty-three men here doctor, you want all of them dead?". Sam slowly nodded and after a few seconds he added "and no bodies, they must be incinerated and the ashes disposed of via a Haz-Chem container. Is that clear?". "Yes doctor, crystal" she said and began to softly sob. Sam told her "if not they will expirence more pain from the disease, they will mutate for crying out loud, I can tell you exactly what will happen to them but it's sickening". And with that Sam walked out of the door for an immeadiate shower. Sarah returned to her hall after an excellent night with Sam. Women circled her to ask her about the date. "What happened" asked one of her best friends and Sarah replied to her through a massive grin. "Oh he's so romantic, first we went to a french restraunt and after that we went down to a movie". "And did anything.....naughty happen?" asked the scantily dressed one, genuinly interested. "No, not tonight but he said he would meet me again on saturday and we can go down to the beach front, he said he would show me his old house" Sarah replied.

Tired and needing sleep Sarah went to her bunk and dozzed of, ignoring any further questions. Meanwhile over in Sam's room he was thinking about the disease and when he fell asleep his dreams were full of the zombies walking around the streets fighting with headcrab zombies and the combine were laying into the diseased with pulse rifles and HMGs and SMGs but never succeding. He awoke sweating and feeling almost enlightened. Now he was worried.

Chapter 6 -: Water
Looks good so far, keep up the good work, I'm looking foreward to the next part. By the way, lay off the zombie flicks, I think they're getting to you. ;)
Thanks, I'm kind of stuck now, because of two things
1. No more USB capable PC ;(
2. no way for Sam and Sarah to get out of C17, I know sam can get out OK but Sarah i don't know
Chapter 6 -: Water

Sarah awoke with a start. She had no idea why, but she thought back to her sub-conscious state, and what she saw. Then she remembered, the pain and suffering at the hands of something strange, almost like a disease of some sort. Beings, walking around like people who suffered at the hands of one of those black headcrabs, but without the controller, and the body structure was different.

Almost immediately after thinking this a slamming came to the door. She pulled on a shirt and some less revealing underwear over here panties. She hoped it wasn’t Sam. Sarah, while dating him, was not yet ready to reveal any of her more private parts to him. She drew her knife out from under the bed, these were troubled times and you always had to be prepared.

Sarah opened the door to find Eli standing on the other side. Eli opened his mouth to say something but Sarah slammed the door in his face. “Just let me get dressed up a bit” she yelled through the door. No one else was left in the hall as it was here day of the morning shift and everyone else had to work.

Pulling on a tank top and jeans she answered the door. “Not letting anyone but Sam see you even partially dressed hey Sarah?” he joked to which she replied, “Not even him, I’m not open to anything but kissing before three dates”. Eli nodded and said “Alyx wants to see you in the mess”. Sarah nodded and ran out the door blushing ever so slightly.

Down in the hall she met Alyx who invited her to sit down for breakfast. “So what’s up Alyx” inquired Sarah. “Well Mossman is wanting to forward the tests on the Anti-Mass regulator and the Reflux Decelerator by Wednesday and I need to be able to purchase a Legi-Comtant reducer by Tuesday in order to install it in time BUT I also need to calibrate the MEO by then as well so would you be able to go out and buy one from Jamie and get it back here?” she said drawing in air straight afterwards.

“Providing I can be back here by 9:00 AM sure, I’m going down to the waterfront with Sam today and I kind of need to be ready by 10:00”. “Well providing you leave now you should be back in time, if not drop me a line and I’ll get George to get it for me” Alyx said with a smile. Sarah ran off to get her jumpsuit on.

When Sarah returned at 8:55 she walked by the Medical Ward to check that Sam was still god for 10:00. Putting her ear up to the door she noticed screaming from inside. Knowing this was not unusual for a surgery low on anesthetic so she walked inside. What she saw was most unexpected. The whole isolation chamber was being incinerated from the inside.

Sarah’s jaw dropped. Sam ran up to her to explain. “What the hell is this?!?!?!” she exclaimed. Sam replied “remember how I said I saved Barney’s life?” “yes” replied Sarah, still shocked. “Well I kind of saved him by burning the threat, which is happening here, they all have the same disease as David” Sarah’s jaw closed a little and asked “are they in pain?” to which Sam replied “no, they died from the illness first and that scream was that guy over there” as he indicated to where a man had a crushed leg

Sarah rubbed her hand in her forehead and relaxed saying “are we still god for 10:00?” Sam nodded and said “ill get changed and burn these clothes shortly. Sarah walked off and went to change out of her jumpsuit into something more comfortable. Sam went shortly after and sat on his bed and sobbed for a bit. He thought of all the people affected by the disease and thought to himself. If only males caught the disease then what happened to the females? Why didn’t they succumb to the illness and even if they didn’t did they spread it in anyway?

Sam shrugged off the thought and changed into his ex-city clothes, the ones that he could wear out in the country and were even allowed by the combine. He thought about what was happening around that area for a moment. It seemed that the combines rule seemed somewhat like the Germans in France during World War 2.

They had areas where combines rule was absolute, like the fully occupied areas of France and they were forced to acknowledge the Germans/Combines rule regardless of what they did. Then there was Vichy France/Country World where the Combine/Germans still ruled but nonetheless the Citizens went around their daily business.

Sam checked his watch, 10:00, perfect timing he knocked on the door of Sarah’s room. Inside Sarah, for the second time that day, was caught in here underwear. She opened the door and there was Sam, who also opened his mouth only to have the door shut. Sarah quickly put on the same tank top and jeans and went outside to meet Sam.

“Wont even let your boyfriend see you in your underwear…” said Sam whose words were cut short by Sarah “…before the third date, no”. Sam laughed, Sarah remained with a straight face. Sam and Sarah held hands and walked down the hall to the exit. Over the time Sam had been working in HQ he had brought his car down to the garage. Knowing that this trip was coming he requested that the grease monkey make a small, girlfriend sized space down inside the trunk (read boot for the Australian version (I’m aussie but there are more brits and yanks then us) please do not include as part of story).

Sam and Sarah reached the garage and Sam told Sarah to try her hardest to stay safe in the trunk. Sarah half heartily agreed, hoping they could be together but Sam told her it was just until they were out of sight of the checkpoint. Sam gunned the engine and drove down to the checkpoint.

As he pulled up two Overwatch officers came to see what a car was wanting. “What do you want citizen” asked a gray clad soldier wielding a pulse rifle. “I wish to leave the city in order to check on my charges on highway 17 beach”. The officer said “identification and previous residence papers?” and Sam handed them over. The officer said nothing, handed over the papers and pushed a button on the side of his belt. The gate rose up just high enough for the car to drive out without its antenna hitting the top and closed straight after them.

Sam drove out of sight of the wall and pulled over, allowing for Sarah to get in the front. Taking in a deep breath she climbed out of the trunk and into the passenger seat, giving Sam an affectionate look and grinning broadly, about leaving the city or going on a date Sam didn’t know but he was glad she was happy.

As they neared the beach Sam put his hand cautiously on Sarah’s leg, far enough up to show love but far enough down to show respect. Sarah looked at him and he quickly withdrew. Sarah grabbed his hand and said “no, it’s okay”. Sam smiled and replace his hand.

Pulling up beside his house Sarah gasped. “It’s lovely!” she exclaimed, obviously loving the scenery. They walked down to the beachfront and swam for almost an hour before returning to dry land. “Do you need a swim suit?” asked Sam, noticing her wet jeans and top. “Well I suppose that makes three dates, at the end of it so okay, but I didn’t bring one” she said making a face which almost showed disappointment.

Sam beamed and said “Wait here” running back up to the car and grabbing a bag. Bringing it back Sarah looked at him in a suspicious way as if to say ‘you wanted to see me naked?’ but she shrugged it off and changed facing away from Sam. He didn’t mind he just looked away knowing why she faced the water and not him. When she turned around she was surprised not to see him looking at her top.

“You really do respect me don’t you?” Sam nodded and stood up to kiss her. It seemed almost like an eternity and then they broke apart. “Want some dinner?” asked Sam “I do a great Barbeque”. Sarah accepted and they walked back up to his house, sleeping in separate beds that night at Sarah’s request.

Chapter 7-: Difficult Lies
I Like it also. well done. Keep up the good work.
By teh way, since when have brits said "trunk" when refuring to the boot of a car?
Sounds like your just about to break out a crate of four X and chuck another shrimp on the barbie. (or am I being steriotypical in the way I think about aussies?)
yes...Sorry about the long wait for the next chappie btw, I currently have writers block...and school
sorry for the bump but


Next chapter done

Chapter 7-: Difficult Lies

Sam awoke groggily to the sound of something unusual outside. He was sure that he had heard it before, ‘dejavoo’ he thought. There it was again. The screech. He stood up and look out the window to see an approach of figures. Three strangely shaped figures were walking towards Sam’s house. He pulled a .303 caliber sniper rifle to scope them out.

As he peered down the scope he saw the figures were victims of the disease. He drew a deep breath and called for Sarah. “Honey you better come up here, bring the shotgun I gave you last night”. Sarah ran up the stairs holding a 12 gauge shotgun with fifty slug shells and two-hundred pellet shells slung around in a LMG chain type fashion.

Sam took careful aim and took down the first zombie in the head. Just then all of the zombies screeched and used all the muscle passed down into their legs and bolted full speed at the couple. Sarah loaded her shotgun with the pellet shells. The two zombies screamed. Sam swiveled on the spot to see another group of zombies approaching from the west.

He yelled to Sarah “prepare yourself” and took aim at the new comers. He fired hitting one in its enlarged eye which much to his surprise caused the bullet to ricochet into his partners leg. Now the first of the sets zombies were at the house. The pair worked together. The first zombie of the two was grabbing Sarah and the second attempting to kick her viciously with its modified legs. Sarah continued to roll and duck even though she was suffering so much. Sarah put her hands on her shoulder, still holding the shotgun and pulled the trigger. Its body was instantly shattered and pulverized by the blast, with parts flying everywhere. The second of the pair lunged at Sarah and managed to land a hit on her leg, breaking the bone with a sickening snap.

Sam was having problems of his own. The zombies moved so fast that it was almost impossible to score a hit on them. Sam tracked the wretched creature slowly and finding his mark pulled the trigger. On his third shot he got lucky, snapping the monsters head backwards and making it fall to the floor. Then he heard it for the second time. The unmistakable noise of breaking bones.

He turned around to see Sarah grasping for her neck. He fired and capped the zombie in the head and dropped to tend to Sarah. Her neck was broken and sam had no idea what to do. He told her to hold still and repositioned her so she could breath. He asked her to grunt if she could draw air and to his relief she responded. Sam made sure she was still and ran to the car knowing all the present danger had been overcome.

He grabbed a cervical collar from the large med kit in the trunk and applied it to Sarah. She would live but Sam needed a way to get back. He pulled up to the check point and as they requested both Ids he had a thought. How was he meant to smuggle Sarah back in. he racked his brain for ideas and only came up with one explanation. “The….Combine Country Estate Division past by her house without giving her an ID soooo they….”

“Enough!” Exclaimed the mask clad combine soldier. “Take her to the Nova Prospekt facility to have her processed for citizen identification and placement”, Sam was flabbergasted, “She needs medical treatment, she has a broken neck for Christ’s sake”. This made the combine soldier snap. “Medical citizen comply or be taken into custody under order 1.5 section 6 clauses 3 and 5, defiance of military orders, there are medical facilities at the outpost, now GO!.”

Sam was beginning to become frustrated but he still had his ace in the hole, “Officer also the reason I went out there aside from checking my charges was to check if the disease had spread any further…and it has”. The combine officer just stared at him for a little while and finally said “Fine go to the hospital, have her checked out and report to Nova Prospekt immediately afterwards” “thank you officer” Sam replied and he drove over to the hospital.