Meet My Grade 7 Teacher

There's reason I don't become a teacher. Having candy here and there is OK, but if you live in the candy store, you're going to get fat!
Damn, thought it was something like a hot female teacher bangin some young boys.
(but ofcourse , good things like that are better not to get public)

omg post almost 666
There's reason I don't become a teacher. Having candy here and there is OK, but if you live in the candy store, you're going to get fat!

I do not want to ask.

Damn, thought it was something like a hot female teacher bangin some young boys.

Like, why would she be "banging" younger boys if she was hot?

omg post almost 666
... yeah, just 5/6s of the way there.

I'm starting to question alot of these accusations. Most people just assume if he was convicted he was guilty, but there are so many cases where people just do it [accusing] for the money or the fame. I'm not denying this did happen.
Did the teacher make you perform fellatio? Did he sodomize you?
Was that the teacher you gave Half-Life 2 too?
He sodomized me, and I never even was in that state.
And by Half Life 2, he means...
I've always suspected one of the teachers in my grade school being involved sexually with students.

He always gave tons, and I mean tons more attention to the female students than the males, lavishing attention on them, occasionally inviting mini class field trips for them to his cabin to skiing.

I wouldn't be surprised if he had sex with a few of them, or lots of them. This was in 6th grade, and he's been this way for years before I moved to Alaska so I heard.
I've always suspected one of the teachers in my grade school being involved sexually with students.

He always gave tons, and I mean tons more attention to the female students than the males, lavishing attention on them, occasionally inviting mini class field trips for them to his cabin to skiing.

I wouldn't be surprised if he had sex with a few of them, or lots of them. This was in 6th grade, and he's been this way for years before I moved to Alaska so I heard.

Is this legal in Alaska...??
I've always suspected one of the teachers in my grade school being involved sexually with students.

He always gave tons, and I mean tons more attention to the female students than the males, lavishing attention on them, occasionally inviting mini class field trips for them to his cabin to skiing.

I wouldn't be surprised if he had sex with a few of them, or lots of them. This was in 6th grade, and he's been this way for years before I moved to Alaska so I heard.

How the f*ck didn't anyone find that odd?
All the kids did(well, the guys, the girls thought he was the greatest teacher ever). I don't know if the parents ever knew.
What is it with grade 7 teachers in our city, k3ithrm?

My grade 7 teacher was arrested for growing/dealing marijuana.
My "handicraft" teacher (in lack of a better word) back in junoir high was accused of harassing the female students. Police reports were filed, but I don't think he was ever charged.
Was that the teacher you gave Half-Life 2 too?

Nope, that's a new teacher

Yeah, he would always show up at some classmates hockey games and gave you this menacing look all the time, it was so creepy. But he's gone now.. :|

What is it with grade 7 teachers in our city, k3ithrm?

Yes, you didn't see it on the news?? lol

Btw, Added you on steam.. get back on there and add me back.
Yay Halifax related news :D

It must feel weird sinc eh was your teacher...
The commercial foods teacher in my high school was fired after having a sexual affair with a student. No charges could be pressed since he was 18. Sure ****ed up a family, though.
The Article said:
A Halifax sex-education teacher is accused of committing sex crimes against two boys.

He's just really good at his job, that's all.
Hello k3ithrm's Grade 7 teacher.
- hello, lol
Ha... no kidding... I learned last year that my 7th grade math teacher had the same charges. Fancy that. Mine was a woman, though. : O
I lol'd. Gods help me, I lol'd.