Meet the Heavy - The Russian Version


Jul 6, 2003
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He is the first character that we met in TF2 short videos, now you can hear Heavy's deepest thoughts in his own words, in his own way, in his first language, that's Russian of course.[br]
[br]This is a must-see video, to download click here
Sing while you can? :| Regardless it's neat to see what he's speaking with the subtitles.
I recognized / understood about 4 words :D
Cool. Question though: why..?

Just to show off the lipsync system?
Sing while you can!

I'm going to start using that. For like a minute or two. That was cool but I tihnk he sounds better in Engrish.
The voice acting seemed a little worse than the English one, or is it just me? I think the point of this is that Half-Life is fairly popular in Russia.

By the way, where's the news post about the new Minerva chapters that were just released?
I understood without the subtitles and I still think the english voice fits him more well..did they change the lyps movement ?
It's still awesome though.
The "who touched Sacha?" sounded much better in English.
That was great cant wait for the demo.
Sing while you can? :| Regardless it's neat to see what he's speaking with the subtitles.

I imagine to a native Russian speaker, "cry some more" sounds equally as odd, which is why you don't do literal translations in cases like this.
I assume the monologue was re-written to better suit what a Russian might say. Also, I'm sure the point of this was to show off the lip-syncing. I'm rather impressed myself, wondering how automatic it is to change between languages, or if they typically do a high degree of facial customization per language.
It visually looks better than the English version. I can't say the same thing for voice acting.
I assume the monologue was re-written to better suit what a Russian might say. Also, I'm sure the point of this was to show off the lip-syncing. I'm rather impressed myself, wondering how automatic it is to change between languages, or if they typically do a high degree of facial customization per language.

They've been showing this off as far back as E3 2003, with the G-Man saying "I'm only going to say this once..." and then spewing some phrase in Chinese.
But the only question - is Source being used by many other Devs in non-English speaking games?
Well, they translate their games into a lot of languages...
Yeah, saw this sometime mid last week. It's pretty good.
The english voice had a lot more character to it. You don't need to understand either language to get that though.
They need to edit the english version so that it has the little "Meet the Heavy" screen with the "copyright lololol" text. They should also make it so that the little picture of the entire team has the new one like this.