Meet the Team videos


Nov 5, 2007
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I tried searching if this topic came up but my search-fu isn't great so sorry if this came up before.

It's in regards to the "Meet the (insert funny character here)" videos we've all seen and love. The video's were to advertise the game but I'm wondering, are any of the other classes going to get a video of there own? Has anyone heard any word about more videos being made or are we forever going to wonder what would've been with the other characters?

I love these videos to death and hope for some more hilarity.
Valve said they're releasing more in the future. They'll be done when they're done, I guess.
I remeber hearing that meet the sniper is next. But like Stigmata said "They'll be done when they're done" expect Team fortress 3 by the time they have finished them.
I bet they give the Sniper a pack of sandwiches and a flash lol
Its been a while since we got a Meet the video.

Infact, its been way too long.
Its been a while since we got a Meet the video.

Infact, its been way too long.

Indeed, last video was right about when the Orange box was released and thats over a month ago! Thats why I asked to see if any more were going to be made.

Good to hear that the other classes will eventually get videos. Thanks for the intel you guys.
We do know that at least one more is in production.
I witnessed the Cabal System in action today when a roomful of rowdy animators asked me to take a look at the prototype for the newest "Meet the Team" Team Fortress short, about which I've probably already said too much. After I was forced to admit that I had completely misunderstood the entire thing because I'm kind of thick, the team spent the next three or four hours loudly arguing possible ways that props and character movements could be subtly changed to make it easier for thickies like myself to "get."

That was six weeks ago but Valve are on break for Christmas so I'd guess that would slow down such non-essential operations.
Blah. I want the meet the Sniper vid already.
Operational, your avatar is officially one of my favorites.
When nex SDK update comes out you will be abe to make your own meet THE vids :D
I think we all have ideas for these vids. Personally, i want one saying meet the spy, with the word spy crossed out and medic written under it.
and then the intire interveiw is done with the spy disguised or invisible. then he backstabs the cameraman.