Meet Your Meat


Jul 4, 2004
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WARNING: Graphic video ahead; contains violence and harsh animal treatment. Don't say I didn't warn you.

It's a PETA video depicting slaughterhouse animal treatment. I am neither for or against PETA so lay off the flame please... just found the video to be rather interesting. I once considered being a vegetarian, but i'm not sure if I could part from meat.
I saw that, and I laughed.

I don't give a shit where my steaks come from, just as long as it 'aint human.

The chickens moving across the floor without using their feet is loltastic.
nw909 said:
I saw that, and I laughed.

I don't give a shit where my steaks come from, just as long as it 'aint human.

The chickens moving across the floor without using their feet is loltastic.

Well, thanks for the input I guess. =]
I don't really want to watch the video as I think I have a pretty good idea what goes on in slaughter houses.

But as for PETA, I'm not sure what to think. In general I think the protection of animals from abuse is a noble cause and I applaud them and others for fighting it. However, I think they shoot themselves in the foot by going to extremes in some cases. When they speak out against pet cruelty, experimentation on primates or other higher mammals, and horrible conditions for circus animals I'm all for it. But when they tell me I can't eat honey because it is cruel to the bees it just takes things a little too far. (Not 100% sure that was PETA that said that or some other group. But you get the point.)
Damn....After watching that...I'm not gonna eat meat anymore. :rolleyes:
Cow Milk = cow puss?

Screw the PETA. They went too damn far.
Neutrino said:
I don't really want to watch the video as I think I have a pretty good idea what goes on in slaughter houses.

But as for PETA, I'm not sure what to think. In general I think the protection of animals from abuse is a noble cause and I applaud them and others for fighting it. However, I think they shoot themselves in the foot by going to extremes in some cases. When they speak out against pet cruelty, experimentation on primates or other higher mammals, and horrible conditions for circus animals I'm all for it. But when they tell me I can't eat honey because it is cruel to the bees it just takes things a little too far. (Not 100% sure that was PETA that said that or some other group. But you get the point.)

Yeah, I feel the exact same way. PETA are a bit extreme in their ways, but I support their cause, or atleast on some issues.

Edit: I didn't post this to get people to support them or myself. I jsut wanted opinions.
I love how PETA throws blood at people's fur coats and stuff.

A radio show said "I'd like to see them go into a biker's bar and throw blood all over the leather jackets"


(I generally hate fur coats, by the way)

Then there was this one thing, where they were handing out pictures of rabbits with knives in their stomachs, that said "Your mommy kills bunnies for their fur and meat" to little children walking around the city.

Also, PETA is against using Insolin for people with Diabetes, because it comes from pigs or something, I don't remember. Anyway, the "leader" of this bizarre cult is diabetic.... yet she still uses insolin. Why? She has stated that she is important, and needs to live, but other diabetics are not, and shouldn't receive insolin from animals (and basically die) Wonderful, eh? :P
Neutrino said:
I don't really want to watch the video as I think I have a pretty good idea what goes on in slaughter houses.

But as for PETA, I'm not sure what to think. In general I think the protection of animals from abuse is a noble cause and I applaud them and others for fighting it. However, I think they shoot themselves in the foot by going to extremes in some cases. When they speak out against pet cruelty, experimentation on primates or other higher mammals, and horrible conditions for circus animals I'm all for it. But when they tell me I can't eat honey because it is cruel to the bees it just takes things a little too far. (Not 100% sure that was PETA that said that or some other group. But you get the point.)

No, extreme is when PETA thinks it is a proper publicity stunt to have two transvestites wrestle in a pool of tapoica pudding in front of a Church. Or saying that the killing of chickens (for food) is a greater travesty than all of the human genocides in the world combined. Or walking around the streets of a city with nothing but body paint covering select areas.

I've seen those videos. They don't make me want to become vegitarian. However, I am for better treatment of animals. You loose any support I had when they do those stupid stunts.
This video only shows one side of the story. I'd like to think there's a good many slaughterhouses that put animals to sleep using tranquilizers before killing them, as that would be a somewhat more humane way to go about it, but I have no looked into the matter. Can anyone clarify? Or do they all use the same methods?
PETA supports terrorism.

They paid him money for blowing up a laboratory and burning other various places doing medical research. All that Ingrid Newkirk, president of PETA, had to say about Rodney Coronado was that "he's a good young man." The guy freaking goes to colleges and teaches 'student activists' how to correctly build firebombs for burning down labs and other similar places.

edit: here's the googly search for 'rodney coronado'

there's an intresting pdf as the second search result.

Lethal, i see you are from KY as well!! Whereabouts, may I ask?
Anthraxxx said:
PETA supports terrorism.

They paid him money for blowing up a laboratory and burning other various places doing medical research. All that Ingrid Newkirk, president of PETA, had to say about Rodney Coronado was that "he's a good young man." The guy freaking goes to colleges and teaches 'student activists' how to correctly build firebombs for burning down labs and other similar places.

edit: here's the googly search for 'rodney coronado'

there's an intresting pdf as the second search result.

blahblahblah said:
However, I am for better treatment of animals. You loose any support I had when they do those stupid stunts.

Ya, I realize they've gone to even further extremes. That was just the first example that popped into my head. But anyway, yes that is exactly my point. In general a lot of people agree with their basic principles, but when they go too far they lose most of their support and actually damage any chance they had of making things better.
If you want to genuinely fight animal abuse, support something like the Humane Society.

If you want to be vulgar, think that meat eaters are murders, and send letters to terrorists asking them to "Not use donkeys as means of suicide bombs" but when asked about suicide bombs in general claim it's not their place to interject in human wars, then by all means join PETA.

PETA sickens me.
Those videos are weak compared to what I saw on VH1 (MTV) one night. It was about 1:00am and this ad for advocating vegetarianism came on. It showed cows hanging on hooks still alive and getting bled to death, chickens moving on a conveyer belt and their heads systematically cut off and a bunch of other schtuff. I don't know what the hell MTV is thinking lol.
I'd love to see a PETA member throw blood at the woman of a mobster. He/she would wish they never had. lol

And I'm all for animal rights... but i'm like the other people here, I don't like their extremes, and their dislike for mankind in general. There own representitives encourage terrorist like acts against fast food places, factories etc... its even on their website.

I did watch meet your meat with alec baldwin. However, I still desire and love meat even after watching that.

MadHatter said:
Those videos are weak compared to what I saw on VH1 (MTV) one night. It was about 1:00am and this ad for advocating vegetarianism came on. It showed cows hanging on hooks still alive and getting bled to death, chickens moving on a conveyer belt and their heads systematically cut off and a bunch of other schtuff. I don't know what the hell MTV is thinking lol.

They did have scenes of cows and pigs still alive on hooks in the video. DId you watch it? they were alive and being bled to death.
Anthraxxx said:

Lethal, i see you are from KY as well!! Whereabouts, may I ask?
Marion County, 60 miles south of you. Go about 15 miles past Bardstown and your basically at my house.
They should just commit suicide if they hate mankind that much. Stupid hypocrites.

It's all just propaganda that they are spreading. They're trying to poison our minds. :(

They actually think they're cool. lolz0rz.
Also, im reminded of the south park episode where PETA makes south park stop using their "cow" mascot, and they have an election between a Giant Douche and a Turd Sandwich to see who wins. :P
Raziaar said:
I'd love to see a PETA member throw blood at the woman of a mobster. He/she would wish they never had. lol

And I'm all for animal rights... but i'm like the other people here, I don't like their extremes, and their dislike for mankind in general. There own representitives encourage terrorist like acts against fast food places, factories etc... its even on their website.

I did watch meet your meat with alec baldwin. However, I still desire and love meat even after watching that.

They did have scenes of cows and pigs still alive on hooks in the video. DId you watch it? they were alive and being bled to death.

I watched it, yes, but I scanned through it and skipped section. The section with the cows hanging on hooks must have been one of the parts I skipped. Oh well, already saw it on TV. I have to wonder if that's what really goes on in slaughter houses. I was always under the impression the animal is killed by some unviolent or painless way and THEN put on a hook.
beef rules, im not going to let some carrot eating hypocrite tell me what i can and can not eat.
If this video bothers you, you should make an effort to buy organically grown meats. In the end, they still end up dead, but the animals tend to not suffer quite so much. It DOES cost extra money, though, so I think alot of the people that have a passing interest in animal suffering at the hands of the food industry might not care so much. PETA has good intentions as far as slaughter houses go, but they really dilute their message by throwing paint at fashion designers on the red carpet on their way into shows. Animals ARE mis-treated in order to mass-produce food for society at large, but only as a cost-cuttiing measure; if people were willing to pay more for a piece of chuck, then it might be easier to advocate more humane methods of slaughter, but there you go, money rears its ugly head once again.

The idea that PETA puts forth about animals as pets being cruel and against nature's plan irks me; I have three cats, one of which was was just a day or two from being euthanised. All of them are actually from the animal shelter. If PETA had their way, my boys would all be dead. If I knew how, I would post dig. pics of them for emphahsis, but, I'm an idiot.
heeheehee...i just found this pic. best site on the internet!!
Thank you, Alec Baldwin, for telling us how cruelly we treat animals that wouldn't be alive if we hadn't bred them. Who wants a burger?
Yeah, I forgot mention to it's Alec Baldwin!! When I heard his voice on the MTV ad, I went nuts 'cause I'd never expect him to be a vegetarian.
MadHatter said:
Yeah, I forgot mention to it's Alec Baldwin!! When I heard his voice on the MTV ad, I went nuts 'cause I'd never expect him to be a vegetarian.
are you kiddin' man? i'm a liberal, and it pisses me off how liberal Alec Baldwin is. i don't think there's a stupid cause he's NOT involved in...