

Nov 8, 2003
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A confirmed Replication of Bearden's Motionless Electromagnetic Generator. an overunity device that channels magnetic flux energy through a magnetic alloy, then into coils, converting it into EM energy,.

This overnunity is a result of the permenant magnet's constant flux, replenished naturally from vacuum state (some quantum knowledge helps alot in understanding that). the prototype is said to show around 200% efficiencey, and if your keen enough, Naudin has left diagrams and detail on howto construct your own.

images.. result's.. and all:

how the flux is compressed to achieve EM collection by alternating it through the coil..

tonnes more info on MEG.

where to buy your metglass magnetic alloy:
thats kinda cool , wasnt there another thread about a diff device said to produce more energy than it put in ?
i dont want to derail my own thread, but this is related and interesting. Scalar EM field's are a natural product of magnetic flux, scalar is like.. the universal wave that binds all waves, including the presence of matter as an energy form... , its just eriee to think about, perhaps the whole world is in the dark about scalar. but its the most pronounced scientific discovery ever, and its kept so quiet :O.
At this point, your reeling mind is probably protesting, saying, "But, we have been developing our own superweapons! They may not be exactly scalar weaponry, but they are new, and bad, and might counterbalance these scalar weapons systems. Colonel Beardon answers this very question.

"We have ground-based radars, endoatmospheric interceptors, exoatmospheric interceptors, airborne sensors, space-based sensors, chemically propelled interceptors, electromagnetic railguns, particle beam weapons, high energy lasers, all tied together by a massive command and control systems ... Massive systems. Electromagnetic marvels. Nuclear-pumped lasers of staggering power. Perhaps even x-ray and gamma ray lasers. Directed energy RF weapons. Stupendous railguns. Sensors everywhere. Giant webs of communications. Banks of computers and control systems.

"And its totally vulnerable to scalar EM interferometer weapons. Giant scalar EM 'radars' can simply sweep through all that like a scythe through standing hay." [Ibi., p. 331]

And, what about our scalar weaponry: "Our scalar weaponry is not yet ready to deploy effectively".
wow, im gone for a couple of weeks and suddenly General Off-topic is Physics 101 :p

Naa I kid, I kid. Really interesting stuff though, I'd say keep on posting about it but you apparantly will anyway, atleast until your list of google links run out ;)
even if google fails me, ive got dozens of books ;), and records of fantastic patent's way back from Tesla's time. I do it because I just got this feeling , that if more people start to inquire into it.. no matter how small, it could weild more building and experimenting, and perhaps even help uncover these world changing technologies that are being held back for vested economic and political reasons.
clarky003 said:
even if google fails me, ive got dozens of books ;), and records of fantastic patent's way back from Tesla's time. I do it because I just got this feeling , that if more people start to inquire into it.. no matter how small, it could weild more building and experimenting, and perhaps even help uncover these world changing technologies that are being held back for vested economic and political reasons.
I just got this feeling , that if more people start to inquire into it.. no matter how small, it could weild more building and experimenting, and perhaps even help uncover these world changing technologies that are being held back for vested economic and political reasons.

And you choose to do this on a games forum full of people who's attention spans are as long as FarCry is fun?

hehe I'm just ****ing with you :) But yeah, I don't think humanity on a whole should be rushing into new technologies, we still haven't learnt how to use sharp sticks and knives responsibly, we shouldn't be thinking about super powerful generators and weapons of even more mass desctructions. I say people pause for a few hundred years until maturity levels catch up, then think about new technology without imediately thinking what this new invention can damage on enemy soil.

Wow.. when did I start spouting this pro human life crap? *shakes himself out of it* must be something I ate.