Mega Man 10 confirmed

Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
Sheep man, bitches.
Saw this yesterday and CANNOT WAIT!! Sheep Man is now officially my favorite Mega Man boss EVAH!!!
I love MegaMan. Played every single one with MegaMan 3 on the NES being my first. I even played MegaMan Legends 1&2 on the PSX. A MegaMan Legends 3 would be a wet dream for me.

Anyone who's ever played MegaMan 2 probably knows that I love to rape the mecha dragon boss in the first stage of Wily's castle right?
A MegaMan Legends 3 would be a wet dream for me.
Seth Killian made a comment on Capcom Unity about the possibility of a Legends 3. However, he made it sound like it was being put to polls and it's up against Power Stone 3 and RE: Outbreak 3. From what I understand, there's going to be a way that people can weigh in about these projects coming soon.

But Mega Man X... X means ten...
Sup Penny Arcade?
God that looks so horrible in comparison to the Megaman X games on the Super Nintendo.
I also can't believe how poor it looks. Worse than some old NES games.