Mein Geburtstag


Party Escort Bot
Feb 11, 2005
Reaction score
Yay, tomorrow is my 16th Birthday :D. I can now legally fly a handglider unaided from an adult counterpart, how cool is that :p

I'm getting a phone, and monies, was gonna get a Motrolla RAZRV3 but that only has room for 5mbs worth of mobile phone pr0n, which is hardly enough.
So I'm looking at a LG S 5200, which is pretty much a clone of the seimens D500.

Discuss me.


You just made my temp sig of fame with your previous post :p
Oh, and happy birthday ^-^ (Well, tomorrow :p)
I appoint you Reichdudelsackspeilengesellschaftfuhrer.

-Angry Lawyer
Mori means death, hmm memento=remeber?
Congrats Erestheux!
Solaris you can go f*ck yourself!

Solaris said:

I'm getting a phone, and monies, was gonna get a Motrolla RAZRV3 but that only has room for 5mbs worth of mobile phone pr0n, which is hardly enough.
So I'm looking at a LG S 5200, which is pretty much a clone of the seimens D500.

Discuss me.


Capitalist Pigdog!

Happy Birthday! :cheers: Only two more years till you can get drunk with Lawyer! D:
I posted something equally useless. Now I'm unsure what to fill this post with. This is what, the third edit?
Solaris said:
Yay, tomorrow is my 16th Birthday :D. I can now legally fly a handglider unaided from an adult counterpart, how cool is that :p

I'm getting a phone, and monies, was gonna get a Motrolla RAZRV3 but that only has room for 5mbs worth of mobile phone pr0n, which is hardly enough.
So I'm looking at a LG S 5200, which is pretty much a clone of the seimens D500.

Discuss me.


Phone? Get a Samsung one. preferably the most expensive one.
Happy birthday, you godless pinko!

Solaris said:
Yay, tomorrow is my 16th Birthday :D. I can now legally fly a handglider unaided from an adult counterpart, how cool is that :p

I'm getting a phone, and monies, was gonna get a Motrolla RAZRV3 but that only has room for 5mbs worth of mobile phone pr0n, which is hardly enough.
So I'm looking at a LG S 5200, which is pretty much a clone of the seimens D500.

Discuss me.


Zum geburstag viel GLUCK!!!! :D
am geburstag alles gute!
Samon said:
I posted something equally useless. Now I'm unsure what to fill this post with. This is what, the third edit?
Salmon is becoming less lovernating and more bitter every day :( :( :(

For my birthday I want Samon hugs evary day for another year!
With every day he becomes more bitter. Soon he will develop der Endlösung die Liebenfrage.
All these birthdays... I can't wait for my 21st birthday in may!