like the title sais
wich memory should I use?
I think that the socket 939 accepts dual chanel memory, but what kind of memory does that requier? 2 sticks of he same speed and memsize? or one "special dual channel" stick?
Also....any rumors or facts goin aound that the nForce4 is goin DDR2?
thx again...
ps: plz also name the brand ,type and speed you suggest I should use
pps: ASUS, you know a lot of these stuff....could u you help me?
wich memory should I use?
I think that the socket 939 accepts dual chanel memory, but what kind of memory does that requier? 2 sticks of he same speed and memsize? or one "special dual channel" stick?
Also....any rumors or facts goin aound that the nForce4 is goin DDR2?
thx again...
ps: plz also name the brand ,type and speed you suggest I should use
pps: ASUS, you know a lot of these stuff....could u you help me?