Memory Question


Jul 26, 2005
Reaction score
Still running on my old comp. 3200 700 pin 64 processor, doesn't support DDR 2 and I currently have 768 megs of ram. 2142 is hurting along with other games.

Gonna build a new comp but I wanna get Ram now, is it worth waiting to buy DDR 2 instead of buying 2 gigs for my comp that I use right now and just swap in the regular DDR when I get my new one running?
i dont noticed a huge difference at all between ddr and ddr2 but what are your other pc specs?
DDR2 won't have any (noticible) impact on game performance over normal DDR ram, but having too little ram is a problem. Unless your new pc will have to wait another 4 months I wouldn't recommend buying new ram now. The ram prices are through the roof at the moment.

If you buy DDR ram now, you will have to buy DDR2 ram when you get a new pc anyway. Unless you get a specific mainboard that supports both DDR and DDR2 (Asrock 775DUAL-VSTA).