

Oct 14, 2003
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Alright, I'm considering getting 4GB of RAM and upgrading to Vista Ultimate 64 bit (I'm currently running the 32-bit version). I'm not concerned about compatibility, as all my hardware has 64-bit drivers available, and the only games I play regularly are based on the source engine, which I believe is 64-bit compatible.

There's so many different types of RAM available, so I'm a little confused as to what I should be looking for, so I've got a bunch of questions:

  • Is it better to get 2x2GB, therefore only using 2 slots, or is using all 4 slots with 1xGB DIMMs okay?
  • Using SiSandra, it says my FSB speed is currently 4x266 (1064 Mhz), with a maximum of 4x333 (1332 MHz). What does this mean? Should I be running faster than I am currently?
  • SiSandra also lists the RAM I'm using now as being PC2-5300 (DDR2-333), but when I look on newegg, all the 5300 DIMMs I see say DDR2-667. What's the deal?
  • Is CAS latency 4 or 5 better? My current memory appears to have settings for 3, 4 and 5.
2x1GB is all you need for now. Vista manages memory a lot better than XP does.
Oops, wrong section.

Doh! I could've sworn I was in the HW/SW section... can a mod please move me over?

2x1GB is all you need for now. Vista manages memory a lot better than XP does.

Well, I'm certainly doing alright with 2GB, but I do a lot of web application development and sometimes find myself running 2-3 instances of VS2008 along with several other apps and getting close to maxing out my memory. Also, some of the games I play max out my memory as it is. With memory as cheap as it is right now ($164 for 4GB of Kingston RAM, less for G.Skill), and with stable 64-bit drivers for all my gear, I can't really see any compelling reasons not to get 4. Anyways, the general question wasn't "should I get 4GB", it was "what kind do I need?".
Sometimes going 4x1GB causes the memory to run at a slower speed or higher latency. Depends on the chipset (memory controller). What motherboard do ya have?

But if you really use > 2gb then you probably still would get a performance increase, even with slightly slower settings, since it wouldn't be accessing your hard drive for the page file as much.
It's a Dell motherboard (yeah yeah, not my choice, but my employer bought it for me), and based off what I see in SiSandra, it looks like its using the Intel Q965 chipset.