Mental and Visual cues, what incites emotion?


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
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I went over this with a friend today (co05).

Let's say you had an invisible cloak.

THIS IS ALL HYPOTHETICAL, OK? So don't bring any sort of morale bullshit into this.

Now, let's say you were entirely invisible. Now, you go to class/work, and begin to sexually stimulate a random woman whilst invisible. This woman has absolutely NO clue that there's a person there, she just realizes that she's being stimulated, somehow.

Now, you know that "sexually uncomfortable" feeling? That emotion that kicks in when somebody crosses that sexual barrier, and everything just feels awkward and uncomfortable?

Don't lie to me, of course you do.

Now, does this act incite said emotion in the woman?

The underlying question, is, "must there be a visual cue to mentally signal to the abused that the sexual stimulation is from a sexually unwelcome party? Even though the woman is being abused, is it possible for her mind to make the connection without the actual visual cue?"

Here's another analogy for you. You get a boner when you look at porn. When you look at enough, you get that giddy "sexually ready to esplode" feeling. Now, what if instead there was some fat greasy woman, invisible, sexually stimulating your dangly bits? Is the mind capable of connecting "random boner" to "sexually unwanted action", without having the visual cue that the action is from an unwelcome party? Or is it purely the fact that there is random sexual stimulation whilst the party is unwilling to participate, be it from a random metaphysical entity, or a fat chick in an invisible sweatshirt.

Your thoughts? The whole "sexual abuse" analogies seemed to be the best way to pose the question, it's really more basic, and can be asexual or sexual in nature.
It doesnt matter what the cause is, if its unwanted then it will be awkward and unpleasant. If your into it, then it will be pleasant, no matter the cause.

Thats assuming the cause is invisible.
Haha, conversations with co05 are priceless. He is quite awesome and full of win.
I don't understand the question.

How would you know it was a fat greasy woman if she was invisible?
wow that's ****ed up. I won't bring my "morale" into it, but yeah, you should see a doctor about that.
and where you get da invisble cloak?
Dammit, it was just an analogy folks.

The underlying question is does one require the visual cue to understand and label the situation as one that is unwelcome, and then incite the accurate emotion.
Dammit, it was just an analogy folks.

The underlying question is does one require the visual cue to understand and label the situation as one that is unwelcome, and then incite the accurate emotion.

I dont think so,you can touch 2 melons whitout looking at them and satrt imaginating they are boobs
I dont think so,you can touch 2 melons whitout looking at them and satrt imaginating they are boobs

You've either touched some really cold hard boobs or eaten really soft fleshy melons.
They feel more like bags of sand than melons.
I'm sure if the girl wasn't in the mood she'd feel violated. "WTF R HAPPENS TO MEEEEHH???"
If the girl's a floozy, she'd probably see it as a conveneient conscidence.

And I'm sure a guy would not be opposed to it at all.
They feel more like bags of sand than melons.

Ha Ha, you reminded me of this... go to 3:25...

On topic... Depends on the situation. If I am sitting at my desk and I all of a sudden get aroused it wouldn't be uncomfortable. If I were in the middle of a speech, and I suddenly became aroused then yes, it would be awkward and uncomfortable. So I guess it depends on the environment.