


c'est quoi cette merde la, ca fait des mois qu'on n'a pas une seule nouvelle de half life 2. Cz est suppose de sorti aujourd'hui, mais il n'est pas. est ce que quelqu'un peut envoyer des couriels a gabe pour lui demander ce qui se pass maintenant sur le scene de valve ?? est ce qu'il n'y a plus de hl2 dans le future ?? esti de crotte...
what he says is:

what is this @!##!, where is the HL2 news. CZ is supposed to be out today, but it did not. Can somebody send an e-mail to gabe to aske him what is going on at valve? is there no more hl2 in the future? @#$@!
I don't see any other reason for him to suddenly post in another language, unless its some attempt to avoid the mods

Cheater: why can't you email Gabe yourself?
Originally posted by Spiffae
what he says is:

what is this @!##!, where is the HL2 news...

ca, c'est wrong translation, la rest est bonne.
Originally posted by Fenric1138
I don't see any other reason for him to suddenly post in another language, unless its some attempt to avoid the mods

Cheater: why can't you email Gabe yourself?

tous mes courriers electroniques ne marche plus.

hey the ring japonese est bien meilleur que the ring american.
Si vous plait, ici c'est Anglais. Les gens ici ne tu comprends pas si tu parle en fracais, d'accord? Peut-etre si tu pose ton question dans un forum francais tu vas trouve une repondre

Je suis tres desole au sujet de mon francais - alors je suis un american, apres tout, lol. (ca vous dire que je rit. "laugh out loud". dac?).
Originally posted by FictiousWill
Si vous plait, ici c'est Anglais. Les gens ici ne tu comprends pas si tu parle en fracais, d'accord? Peut-etre si tu pose ton question dans un forum francais tu vas trouve une repondre

Je suis tres desole au sujet de mon francais - alors je suis un american, apres tout, lol. (ca vous dire que je rit. "laugh out loud". dac?).

je fais express de utiliser francais, car c'etait vairment annoyant ici depuis le 30th september. regardez tous les topics dans le premier page, ils sont tous deplaces dans un autre sector. c'est pas facile d'attendre hl2 ici.
Originally posted by Cheater
je fais express de utiliser francais, car c'etait vairment annoyant ici depuis le 30th september. regardez tous les topics dans le premier page, ils sont tous deplaces dans un autre sector. c'est pas facile d'attendre hl2 ici.

they get moved because their off topic or just going to cause people to flame

Edit: and yes the original ring is superior to the US version. But I'm still going to move or lock this thread if it goes off topic, and that includes talking about Ring, regardless of how much of a fan I am of it :)
Fenric, I agree about the ring.. the Japanese one was much more thought provoking..

but, the American one made me jump so much more, freaked me out :) Maybe it ruined the Japanese one's freakiness for me.. either way, I never looked at static TV screens the same way again :)

Oh crap, you said talk about the ring would get moved or locked.. oh well
Originally posted by Shuzer
Fenric, I agree about the ring.. the Japanese one was much more thought provoking..

but, the American one made me jump so much more, freaked me out :) Maybe it ruined the Japanese one's freakiness for me.. either way, I never looked at static TV screens the same way again :)

Oh crap, you said talk about the ring would get moved or locked.. oh well

Shit i'm gonna go off topic too

Ah well, i'll circle it around somehow

The static on the TV, i have turned this option on in my tv to display a plain blue screen rather than static lol me = baby

Errm French is such a beautiful languange, but i could have sworn Cheater was using English a while back
Originally posted by Shuzer
Fenric, I agree about the ring.. the Japanese one was much more thought provoking..

but, the American one made me jump so much more, freaked me out :) Maybe it ruined the Japanese one's freakiness for me.. either way, I never looked at static TV screens the same way again :)

Oh crap, you said talk about the ring would get moved or locked.. oh well

I'll see what the next post is about, if its on topic it stays, otherwise it goes to the OT section. As much as I'd love to talk about the Ring films, books and spin-offs, I can't show favoritism just because I happen to like them, others here could hate the films and be sick of hearing about them (those mad people ;)), besides at last count I think I'd inadvertantly started off another two Ring conversations in separate threads elsewhere on the forum because of my avatar. Infact I'm going to PM myself and give me a warning about that.
Yeah, Fenric, it's about time you got a warning from yourself, shame on you :)
Originally posted by Cheater
c'est quoi cette merde la, ca fait des mois qu'on n'a pas une seule nouvelle de half life 2. Cz est suppose de sorti aujourd'hui, mais il n'est pas. est ce que quelqu'un peut envoyer des couriels a gabe pour lui demander ce qui se pass maintenant sur le scene de valve ?? est ce qu'il n'y a plus de hl2 dans le future ?? esti de crotte...

ok, i'm going to try to put my 2 yrs of high-school french to work:

err what is this shit, it's been months with no half-life2 news (?) umm, hmm... like it's supposed to have left(?) today, but it hasn't.. ahhh jesus.. can someone send [wtfuxorz is couriels?] to gabe to ask him.. uhh.. something about valve... err, is there no hl2 in the future?? ahh crap.. ahh not in zee face! we surrender!!!!

that's pretty much correct. man my french is falling apart.
the sad part is i took french alore...soudns really familiar
well, "zout alore" means nothing in any language. "zut alors!" means "WTFUXORZOMG!@!!!2!!1". or it's something like "damn it!". i dunno.
thats what i meant :\

lol, I translated it in a poopy translator and it came out: "zut then"
c'est quoi cette merde la, ca fait des mois qu'on n'a pas une seule nouvelle de half life 2. Cz est suppose de sorti aujourd'hui, mais il n'est pas. est ce que quelqu'un peut envoyer des couriels a gabe pour lui demander ce qui se pass maintenant sur le scene de valve ?? est ce qu'il n'y a plus de hl2 dans le future ?? esti de crotte...
=What is this shit, it's been months since any HL2 news. CS:CZ was supposed to come out today, but it's not here. Can someone send mails to Gabe to ask him what's happening on the valve scene?? Is there no more HL2 in the future?? Piece(?) of dried out snot.

French feels just so good to talk. I tell you, I know a few languages(english, dutch, french) and have notions of a few others(german, italian, spanish), but french is just so much more fun. You can put a lot of feeling in your words. You know, when you say 'puta' in spanish, you put the accent on the 'p' and stretch the 'a' a little, feels fun to say. There's something like this in almost every french word. You can be real mean, nasty, and really vulgar. Or, you can be a charmer, use the language to gain advantage. Women go nuts when you talk to them in french. I usually wisper something in the ear. It's not the words, it's the sounds that drive 'em crazy. I really found it funny when merovigian or whatever talked french in the matrix. What he said I found to be true. It's just so much fun, I really miss it sometimes, since I'm a french guy living in a place where everyone speaks dutch(Belgium).

A little present for you guys: the translation of Merv in the matrix(only for 18+):"Putain de merde de salle enculé de sa rasse" equals "you prostituted piece of shit from a guy who took it up the ass representing his own race".

If that's not true venom, I don't know what is.
I only speak two languages: English and Bad English.

But I'm learning Datasprite. I think.

Anyone here know Esperanto?