Merry Christmas to all!


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
It's 4 hours too early for me, but..

Merry Christmas to you!

And may your new year be filled with sex, drugs, money, love, and above all, fun!

So, what are/have you done/doing for this Christmas or new year?

EDIT: This thread is different from the other, in that there's an actual question being posed here.

it's 5:05 here christmas day, i think it makes sense for me to stay up through the night.

I think i'm gonna pop a caffeine tab and then proceed to take the rear seats and spare tyre out of my turbocharged volvo estate and practice some drifting on the empty icy roads!
12:16 am MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What do you gay when you open a box?

A brand new headset :D

And a webcam from Shodan, I winnar.
I'm genuinely thankful for a lack of a hangover :D

I've got some cool little presents so far, with more to come :) Cannot wait..
OH SHIT, that's right, I was gonna pop into Dreadlords TS server to listen to him on a drunken rampage D:

Hopefully it's not to late.

Wait, nvm, I think he's staying sober tonight. I think it might have been new years D: