Mesh does F.E.A.R. WUUUUUUZA!

Wow Mesh got the balls to play FEAR?
He had balls to play AvP2, i see no reason to not have balls for FEAR :D

i remember mack used to come on here (mesh too i think) to announce their own new videos. :( they're too popular for us now.
Yeah thats the problem with all popular people, they leave all unpopular behind them ;>
Cool. I was just thinking about their awesome series last week. I'd like to see him do one on Condemned!
Haha, Mesh is so easily afraid of everything. :laugh:

When he gets knocked down by Fettel… :laugh:
lol, memories of doom III,

'its okay, its alright!, ITS OK ITS ALRIGHT! ah ah AHH!' you git!
Dude, how long has this series been around? This is the first time I ever heard of them :O
Yay! The only one I've seen is the Doom 3 one, but I loved that. Can't wait til' this FEAR one finishes downloading. :D
satch919 said:
Cool. I was just thinking about their awesome series last week. I'd like to see him do one on Condemned!

That would be interesting.
I've never actually seen any creepy parts from FEAR, and I can see they did an incredible job with it. Can't wait until I have my new pc assembled and get this game!

Mesh was funny, as well. :D

My favorite parts:

"There's something in the water."

The part where the ghost is in a non-moving position, just floating toward you. That gave me the fricking willies.
Having played the game I was laughing even before Mesh got scared as I knew what was going to happen :) The ladder scene was good, when he got scared by the girl and then lauging at himself, got scared again by the other ghost :cheese: I hoped he would get more freaked out by the crawling Alma. This was one of the moments that freaked me out and I actually said "oh, shit!" out loud when that happened.
Great game to have Mesh play, hilarious video to watch and I can't wait until he gets to the later parts of the game where it can get really tense and creepy. He got really freaked out by paxton with the plank as I did, so I expect he will be freaked later as I was. FEAR maintains pretty good pace with the scares and I agree with him about the flashlight heh. I'd love to have Mesh as a playtester if I was making a scary game though.
I never found FEAR scary.

In fact, got bored playing it O.o
Venmoch said:
I never found FEAR scary.

In fact, got bored playing it O.o
Three cheers for you!

I want to see this video now, (at work, no downloads :hmph: ) just recently started F.E.A.R. again so this should be good. :D
How come everyone gets so freaked out by Alma crawling? I never found that to be any more creepy than her walking around. And after a while I got used to it and didn't think it was scary anymore. Then I started feeling sorry for her :(

Mesh is hilarious. I love how he reacts to just game elements.
"Is that my leg? That's awesome!"
He's going to see the awful gun models and dull and bland level design and scream like a girl at the horror!

This could be the game to finish him off ;)
That was hillarious!

"It's every room! Why can't they give us a break, I'm just a marine on a mission!"
He is the wimpiest person I have ever seen. It was great though :D
Haha first time I've seen any of his videos, what a legend. :D So true about the torch too.
This guy is hilarious. I have never heard of these guys before. So I was watching the hl2 ones, since I dont want to ruin FEAR before I play it. And the first part was fekking funny, with the activation crap that people had to put up with. Oh my, that have me quite a laugh. This guy is the funniest thing I have seen on the net ever.
Ah, one of the few ways to make F.E.A.R. amusing; watching Mesh play it. :)
can't understand what people see in them videos at all...some guy getting scared of a game which is probably forced anyhow

Doppelgofer said:
can't understand what people see in them videos at all...some guy getting scared of a game which is probably forced anyhow


quiet mr serious. You need to gain a sense of humour, and not be so pessimistic all the time.
It's funny, but I'm pretty sure he's faking it. No game is that scary.
ElFuhrer said:
It's funny, but I'm pretty sure he's faking it. No game is that scary.
Seriously, I got shit-scared of Ravenholm, and was stood on a drainpipe for about an hour where the fast zombies couldn't get me.

Some people really do get that scared.
Originally Posted by TheGrimSweeper
quiet mr serious. You need to gain a sense of humour, and not be such a hard ass all the time.

Also, as good as the F.E.A.R. vid is, the Doom 3 ones blow it away. I was cracking up at times.
ElFuhrer said:
It's funny, but I'm pretty sure he's faking it. No game is that scary.

Nope, it's all real.

Some people do find games scary, and one of them happens to be Mesh. :)
He's gotten a lot better though, I still remember the start of the Doom video when he was screaming his head off. I guess it probably isn't as scary with Mack sitting next to him and the lights on. :P