Metabolism and going to sleep


Apr 24, 2004
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I have a question regarding these two subjects... Basically, when I come home from the gym (at around 9:45 PM) I eat two sandwiches or basically enough (with high content of protein) to get me full. But then about three hours later I go to bed, and digestion takes much longer than three hours. Did the food I just ate before I went to bed - specifically, the proteins - does it go to waste while I am sleeping or does the process still continue, even though I am sleeping? Would it be more convenient if I ate a lot the next day and ate a little that night (so the food doesn't go to wate), or both eat a lot at night and then eat a lot the next day?
the process does continue. for ****s sake, your muscles won't recuperate, i.e make use of that protein, until you're resting. don't worry
Yea thats the same for protein shakes. You can take them before you go to sleep and when you wake up.
it is recommended that you eat enough proteins with carbs, and other nutrientes during the 2 hours after you go to the gym, what happens is that you absorb the protein faster because u just 'hurted' your muslces
They are lying, when you sleep the food you eat is gasified and the proteins escape through your mouth while you breath. Thats why you should always sleep with your mouth closed.
They are lying, when you sleep the food you eat is gasified and the proteins escape through your mouth while you breath. Thats why you should always sleep with your mouth closed.

Don't forget the pef on your nose :O
Why cant people just exercise, and leave the protein bullshit out