Metal Gear Solid 3 Help


Feb 8, 2005
Reaction score
i just got metal gear solid 3 and when i go to the menu i hit new game, then it takes me to the starting thing that says hit start, i do that and im on the main menu, am i not getting something or is this game broken

Use circle as X.

Use X as triangle.

If you get my drift.
Square is the select button. X is to go back to the previous menu. Or there might be something wrong with your game.
Holy crap ur right it worked. lol i hit O then when it sayed about what u favorite MGS games u liked i hit X there. i get it thanx
Lol, no problem. Its a bit of a weird control system at the menu. Possibly because its a Japanese game??

Anyway, its a great game, hope you enjoy it.:)
It was weird to me at first too, but that's why games come with manuals... :O
heh yeh tht annoys the crap out of me. out of all my games its the only one that wants to be diffrent.
Actually, the primary button being circle is a control setup that I haven't seen used for a very long time... and it brings back nostalgic memories of playing Final fantsy 7; before I had a PC, before I had a TV in my room and before I actually got any homework... those were the days... I wasn't put under pressure by anything, I had loads of friends at school, and when I came home I could just wrap myself up in my own little fantasy world- until 6:00, when my mum watched the news and I ate dinner.


Anyway, bring back the circle button, it makes me feel good!
i didnt have a game manual cuz i rented it, it only comes with the disk and a case, i read the case and it didnt say anything about it.