Metal Gear Solid 5 Confirmed!

Oh jeez would have never guessed he'd make another..
I cannot even begin to think of who or what will be involved this time. I am frankly over most of the main characters/plotlines. I would really like something new.

Policenauts anyone???

Hmm, what about a next-gen Thief project in this engine? Would be great. Thief 4 will likely be great too though regardless of who makes it (I HOPE).
I feel something close to joy. Hard to see where they'll fit it in the story though. Exploits of The Boss maybe? That'd be pretty damn sweet. It's definitely not gonna be Snake, for reasons I won't mention in this post for the spoiler sensitive.
I feel something close to joy. Hard to see where they'll fit it in the story though. Exploits of The Boss maybe? That'd be pretty damn sweet. It's definitely not gonna be Snake, for reasons I won't mention in this post for the spoiler sensitive.

You might as well have just said it out loud ....
Kojima should let it die.
A remake of the first from gameboy whould be nice.

now I will have the ps3 when mgs7 comes and will have to look for the previous games

but it is official?

lol jk I saw it coming.


They're going to continue a successful, critically-acclaimed and incredibly-well-received-by-the-public game? What's next, are they going to start slicing bread and sell it pre-packaged for your convenience?!


Whoa. whoa. whoa. Whoa...... whoa. WHOA. Whoa. Whoa. They sell bread now?
Hahaha! The MGS series boiled down to a "stupid drama game." Someone give this man a biscuit...

...then kick him in the forking ovaries!!
mgs5 will probably be something entirely new then
FFS MGS should have ended at 2.
Boktai and ZOE proved the guy has other great ideas, he should focus on them.
Where the **** else can the story go? MGS4 wrapped it up pretty nicely

Please God not another Old Snake game...
Only thing I see is another Raiden game, Raiden's son, or a giant floating penis that stabs ninjas
It would just be nice to leave it at 4. otherwise he'll ruin the set pieces by continuing them OR will introduce something totally different that will probably pale in comparison to the established characters
They have said a prequel would be a nice idea. Frankly i myself would like something new. MGS4 was just pure genies and it closed all paths to those characters.
But mgs 3 and PO were already prequels. A prequel is nice thing to do maybe only once really.
I always wanted a remake of the originals but something new in terms of story would be nice too. The storylines of MGS3, MGS PO, MG1, MG2, MGS, MGS2, MGS4 were all connected and wrapped up in MGS4 so I doubt they would make another one tied into that plot: ''HAI GUYZ actually Big Boss was blabla'' etc.
FFS MGS should have ended at 2.

So did anyone actually read the article?

It's not confirmation at all. He just mentions it off-handedly as though to say "if/when MGS 5 is made, I won't be a part of it." It was right there in the Kotaku article and they didn't take it as confirmation, Shacknews has just taken a casual aside and run with it.

So yeah. Not to say that it won't be confirmed eventually, because it will. Just not yet.
MGS should have ended at 3, although I never played 4 so I dunno. Plus Portable Ops was ****ing awesome. I loved kidnapping enemies.
Dog--: Master of broadly sweeping statements that maybe he doesn't even agree with.
That's me!

TBH series shouldn't really ever go past atleast 10, c'mon. Look how shitty Final Fantasy is. Episodes are infinite though. (except for SIN)
Hey atleast I mentioned that fact, making you disregard my opinion, what if I didn't? HUH?! AHUH?! HUAH!? HOOHA!?

Srsly, number 3 was a good ass game. I loved the camo thang. In MGS4, isn't it just automatic?
Is MGS gonna become the Final Fantasy of Stealth'Em Ups? I mean with an infinite amount of sequels, spinoffs etc with the newer ones being fairly decent but not great games in order to milk the franchise name?

Kojima is so full of shit anyway.