Metric system or Avoirdupois System, F or C, 12 hour or 24 hour?

Metric or Avoirdupois etc... (Three votes each)

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The Monkey

The Freeman
Jun 5, 2004
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Three votes each, one on each scale.

I pick: Metric, Celcius and 24-hour system.
Metric system
Kelvin (but I voted Celsius, don't ask me why)
24 hour
Farrowlesparrow said:
I use a mixtured of them all...

Works for me :D
"How far away is London"
"5 kilometres and 8 yards"

"it is 15:00pm"

Anyway, since when does anyone get the precise :P I weigh myself in stones and pounds, I measure weights in killograms. I measure drinks in pints, unless they're in the bottle, then its litres.

Stuff like that
AntiAnto said:
Kelvin (but I voted Celsius, don't ask me why)
I didn't even know people used the Kelvin scale except for scientific purposes.
I think people must be confused with the 12 hour and 24 hour system choices... I don't know anyone who uses the 24 system.

So now the poll is ruined. Delete thread.
ríomhaire said:
I didn't even know people used the Kelvin scale except for scientific purposes.
I doubt he does that would be rediculous.

"Man its hot outside"
"Yep its 400 kelvins"

I'm required to learn all of them, I use feet/inch etc, but I use meters/km from time to time. I use 12 hours.
Metric, Celcius and 24-hour system.

(...when talking I usually use the 12h system though)
Metric, C, 24 (lets be honest, 12 is for children :P)

You should've added an option about dates, like 12/3/05 being 12th of March and not 3rd of December.
gh0st said:
I doubt he does that would be rediculous.

"Man its hot outside"
"Yep its 400 kelvins"

I'm required to learn all of them, I use feet/inch etc, but I use meters/km from time to time. I use 12 hours.

Bah, I thought the question of this thread was something like "What would be in your opinion the best system to use anywhere in the world?" In that case, Kelvin is really great because there is no negative numbers.
Direwolf said:
I measure everything in hogsheads.

- Hey mate, come here at 20h00.
- And what would it be in hogsheads?

EDIt: man i'm 9 posts away till 1000. Must....resist....spam...
I choose Metric, Celcius and 24-hour Clock. It just sounds cool to say "Hey! Meet me at 0900 hours." :E
Datrix said:
It just sounds cool to say "Hey! Meet me at 0900 hours." :E

Debatable :p

Metric, Celcius (or Kelvin if I'm doing work :p) and 12 hour
Avoirdupois System
24 hr

(yes I'm odd with the 24 hr :p)
I have to make clear that I chose 24 hour, although if someone asks me the time obviously i'd tell them it in 12 hour. I think anyone other than army instructors just sound stupid saying "seventeen hundred hours".
Depends what you're measuring ... miles instead of kilometres, but metric for everything else... celcius > fahrenheit, and I prefer the 24 hour clock instead of 12.
StardogChampion said:
I have to make clear that I chose 24 hour, although if someone asks me the time obviously i'd tell them it in 12 hour. I think anyone other than army instructors just sound stupid saying "seventeen hundred hours".

Actually, Canadians use the 24 hours system as much as we use the 12 hours system. It's clearer and it prevents the misunderstoods.
I like the metric system but when I refer to something using it everyone gets confused so I don't use it around people. I perfer to use Fahrenheit because I like it more. I use a 12 hour system.
StardogChampion said:
I have to make clear that I chose 24 hour, although if someone asks me the time obviously i'd tell them it in 12 hour. I think anyone other than army instructors just sound stupid saying "seventeen hundred hours".

yeah, I have my watch set to 24 hr, but whenever someone asks, I always respond in 12
Metric. I mean, 12 inches in a foot, 3 foot in a yard?? Does not compute.
Celcius. Fahrenheit doesn't make a lot of sense to me, besides the scientific standard is Kelvin, and 1 K = 1 C, just different starting points.
24h. The day is made up out of 24 hours, am I really that wrong to count from 0-24? 12am or 12pm only adds confuzzlement.
vegeta897 said:
I think people must be confused with the 12 hour and 24 hour system choices... I don't know anyone who uses the 24 system.
The French do.
Celsius (C)
Metric System (litre, metre, kilogram)
24-hour system (0-24)
12-hour system (1am-12pm)
Metric system is THE easiest, therefore, the most pratical.
Celsius is just standard.
24 hour, course, less confusion. I even live in the GMT line :D

Really, there's a reason why all of those measuring standards are called IS (International Standard :imu:)
vegeta897 said:
I think people must be confused with the 12 hour and 24 hour system choices... I don't know anyone who uses the 24 system.

Most Europeans do. Except for the british, of course.

When someone asks you what time it is you say 3 o'clock, but on digital watches and timetables etc, the 24-hour system is superior.