Metro cop


Mar 24, 2005
Reaction score
I have made it where I can make a metro cop walk up to you and point to you and walk to the door that he wants you to go to, but how do i make it where he says "Citizen, come with me". when he points at you. Like in the scene when you get trapped in the fenced area and the cop opens the door to tell you to come with him.

I know it has to do with scripted_sentence, but i need some help on how to make it work.

Edit - I used scripted sequences, just for your info
Icewolf717 said:
Nevermind, I got it. Sorry for the double post.

For those of us who don't know how to do that would you give a brief explanation of what you did?
showNOmercy said:
For those of us who don't know how to do that would you give a brief explanation of what you did?
would be cool if u could make a quick test room.
with a player start...a light...a metro cop...and a door.

and tell us how u did it :)

this way it wont spoil ur level
and all will be greatful for ur tutorial
To make a metro cop gaurd an area, all you have to do is..

Step 1 - Create a suitable test map (a small room will do fine)

Step 2 - Create a Npc_metrocop where you want him to guard
-Name: Metro01
-Weapon: Stunstick

Step 3 - Create a ai_goal_police by the cops feet
-Name: Goal
-Radius: 50
-Target: !player

Step 4 - Create a small texture that touches the player start, use the trigger texture, tie this to trigger_once. In the outputs type this...

My output name: OnTrigger
Target entities name: Metro01
Via this input: SetPoliceGoal
With a parameters Override of: ai_goal_police
After a delay in seconds of: 0.00

Thats that. If it doesnt work reply back here, and if you want to know how to make the guard do special movement, just ask.