Metroid Prime 2

Lt. Drebin

Aug 18, 2004
Reaction score
Am I the only one picking this game up???

Has it just completely sailed under the radar and been overshadowed by Halo 2 and HL2?? I think it's setting up to be a hellll of a sequel.

It's comin out in like 2 weeks and all I keep hearing about is Halo and HL2.
My friend keeps telling me about Metroid Prime. I still need to check that game out. He says it's really good. All I remember is playing Metroid back in the nintendo days :o
Metroid prime is way better than halo, its really awesome.

I loved watching people play it, but i wasnt that good at it, so i dont think i will get the 2nd, but anyone who hasn't played the first should go down to EB right now and pick it up
You can sure as hell bet I'm getting it. :D
Really looking foward to it, but its gonna be a little while until I get around to it probably.
Jesus Lincoln said:
Metroid prime is way better than halo, its really awesome.

I loved watching people play it, but i wasnt that good at it, so i dont think i will get the 2nd, but anyone who hasn't played the first should go down to EB right now and pick it up

Definitly agree. As much as I love Halo....Metroid Prime is superior in my books. I expect more of the same with MP2. Nintendo loves to outdo themselves.
The first Metroid Prime is one of my favorite games this generation. I'm looking forward to the 2nd, but unfortunately it is gonna have to wait till next year, too many other FPS.
I heard that Australia will be getting it later, early December or something. Dammit!
Then again, IIRC same thing happend for MP1, and we got an updated/less buggy/harder version of the game.
I didn't like Metroid Prime that much, the game too look long to get into and involved WAY WAY too much walking back and forth. Its ok if there is some walking back and forth but at least try and make it interesting.

like Legends of Zelda: Wind Waker, at the end of the game where you have to collect those pieces of the tri-forces, that was really tedious but at least it kept me interested because i ran into a whole bunch of different things along the way.

I think Metroid Prime was totally overrated, good game, but not as great as all the reviews say it is
im definately getting echoes. i loved the first and ill love this.
Sparta said:
I didn't like Metroid Prime that much, the game too look long to get into and involved WAY WAY too much walking back and forth. Its ok if there is some walking back and forth but at least try and make it interesting.

I'll have to see if I have enough spare cash when it comes out, theres alot of good games coming out between now and xmas. :/
Lt. Drebin said:
Has it just completely sailed under the radar and been overshadowed by Halo 2 and HL2??

Yeah, I didn't know about MP2 untill a week ago...
Sparta said:
I didn't like Metroid Prime that much, the game too look long to get into and involved WAY WAY too much walking back and forth. Its ok if there is some walking back and forth but at least try and make it interesting./QUOTE]
Thats a staple of the Metroid series. If you don't like having to re-explore the areas, then you just don't like MP, you don't like Metroid period. You heathen. :devil:
^ hehe - that's probably true.

People either love Metroid, or don't see what the fuss is about. (a little like Halo)

It's one of those games that's all about the experience of 'being there' (the sights, the sounds - everything) I found it captivating just travelling from one area to another, regardless of how often the journey had to be made. Walking about, taking the time to look around, is what makes Metroid great.
I just got MP1 about a mont ago for $20 :D
Haven't beaten it yet tho... /me goes to play it. :D
I always like how in the Metroid games there's more than one way to get through the game... as in, doing stuff in your own order. :) I wasn't expecting Metroid Prime to be like that, but it was! My second play-through I managed to get the plasma beam waaaaay earlier than I should have. :P
Direwolf said:
Sparta said:
I didn't like Metroid Prime that much, the game too look long to get into and involved WAY WAY too much walking back and forth. Its ok if there is some walking back and forth but at least try and make it interesting./QUOTE]
Thats a staple of the Metroid series. If you don't like having to re-explore the areas, then you just don't like MP, you don't like Metroid period. You heathen. :devil:

Agreed. Those that don't like much reexploring might enjoy Metroid Fusion on the GBA. Really easy, but still fun as hell.